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St Finnan Loft's Achievements

Squeaker (4/8)
The race has been offered for this year and that is what we should be aiming for, however, it should not be left to the committee to decide if this goes ahead. The decision should be made by the members of both nationals, the committees can decide how to communicate with their respective members, but it should be all be carried out with complete transparency. There are great fanciers in both nationals who would relish the competition and their wishes should be treated with respect. The decisions with regards to distances is surely not insurmountable and the committees can have this dealt with in a timely fashion. Nothing is too great a hurdle that reasonable men cannot overcome.
The sun rising comment and narcissism comment are pure waffle "the meaning of ‘waffle’ is to talk or write at great length without actually saying very much. The negative comments made have stopped members discussing this offer, if it is felt by some that there is an ulterior motive why is that not being discussed. I feel a forum is a platform to put your views forward in a grown up fashion without being put down by people who do not agree, everyone is entitled to their opinion without being ridiculed. I personally think it is a brilliant opportunity and serious distance pigeon men should jump at the chance of a free race, it is an opportunity to entice more fanciers to try distance racing for the first time.
It seems to me that most times I see pigeons featured in the national media, whether it is Television, Radio or in the Newspapers, it’s detrimental to our sport however not so, in this case, quite the opposite in fact.
BARRY TREWIN, AUSTRALIA, AUTHOR OF 'A HANDICAP SYSTEM' PUBLISHED 2004 Barry has kindly consented to my republishing some of the article. Once again this is just a concept to provoke forward-thinking in a stagnated sport. For anything to move forward the first step must be taken, then another and so on! Most of the problems in our sport can be overcome, problems only need solutions, but many will not even attempt to try and develop a new idea or concept, I have now travelled and conducted many talks and discussions regarding new concepts for pigeon racing, I have listened to many people telling me their problems in their own areas, but I must say, the same problems are happening everywhere! Now let us look at a couple of things, people will always make excuses as to why things need to stay the same, usually because they will not have or maintain the advantage if something new is introduced, they do not want the racing to be competitive. • Why do people who live in the eastern areas always have the best racing results? • Why do people seek to move to these areas to race their pigeons? • What and where is the drop zone? • Why is it that the people who take the control of clubs usually live in these areas? • Which direction do the prevailing winds come from? • Can terrain play any part in the results? I will now explain my thoughts on the line of flight of birds when racing. I will look at the scenario everyone wishes to have and then explain the actual flight paths of birds with wind interference, I hope it will help to explain my handicap system better. It is hard for people that have been stuck in their ways to understand many of my new concepts, but that is why nothing has changed in the past because these people are not creative enough to be able to come up with new ideas that can benefit the sport. It is only because I have been travelling around talking to many people about new concepts over the past 7 years, those different people are now starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel, even if it may seem small at this stage. For so long many people have left the sport disillusioned at the poor management of organisations and lack of improvements, Yes the sport will die if no one sets about to change the way things are done. Let us assume that two lofts have exactly the same of the following: • Quality of birds. • Feeding • Training • Management • Both lofts are equal distance from the release point in a straight line, this is the calculation that determines the placings in a pigeon race. A straight line to each loft. Pigeons from each loft fly directly to their home loft without any interference from outside elements. In this scenario, birds should arrive at their home lofts at exactly the same time. Now let’s throw in the prevailing westerly winds, this already has changed the playing field dramatically in favour of the Easterly Loft. The birds will be pushed to the east and then the westerly lofts birds will actually fly a much further path than the East loft as they are pushed further into the east at the release point, thus the East loft will have birds landing at their loft well before the West loft. Now sometimes birds can break and head for their loft not far from the release point, but the east loft birds are pushed towards their loft and do not have to turn into a headwind which will also slow the birds heading towards the West Loft. In effect, the East loft birds have not flown as far or as hard as the West Loft birds, but the results at the end of the day mean that the East loft guy is patting himself on the back for a good win, when in fact his bird had an easy run home, are they really the better birds? Now let’s throw some more variables into the equation! We can start by putting in ranges and hills; these could also be lakes or rivers, pigeons will naturally take a line of flight which is dictated by the terrain, fly around mountains, ranges or hills rather than flying over the top! They will look for gaps that they can get through, rather than try and expose themselves to open country where they can be spotted by falcons. Exceptions to this will be on days with clear skies, the birds can fly over obstacles such as I have mentioned, but this is rare. During discussions, my words fell on deaf ears as east fanciers kept patting themselves on the back. It is great to win races, but when there is no one left to race against, then it is easy to win! This scenario does not deter the east fanciers as they seem to wish for this! In many of my travels, I hear people talking about the same problems in the sport, but this is the problem, many people talking about the problem, but no one trying to come up with a solution! Some people deny there is a problem, these are the fanciers the sport does not need, and mostly they are old school and do not embrace change or progress, unfortunately. Now on a visit to the Wagga Wagga some years ago, I was interested in an idea that, I think the Albury Wodonga club were using. Now, this is where at least people are searching for solutions to problems and not just saying “that is the way it has always beenâ€, “we can’t change anythingâ€. Now, this got me into great discussions with John Clay, about what the Wagga Wagga Club were using and I could see merit in their thinking. I then started to look at the scenario at my area and started developing the idea to assist the guys that were disadvantaged by terrain and position. Now upon studying clocking times and talking with the guys that were continually behind each week a trend was appearing in the times, now what I did was worked on a drop zone, basically where the birds were entering and then work out a formula to take time off the guys in the West, which meant they would have their times very close to the drop zone guys, well as expected they would never allow this. This is why the sport cannot go forward! Now another example: The Stawell Gift - Australia’s richest foot sprint race. The guys are racing off handicaps to keep the racing as exciting as possible, not to just give away money to the fastest person, if this was the case, they would all run off scratch! This race has thought outside the box and has reaped the rewards, whereas pigeon fanciers are exactly the opposite, and only see people leave the sport disillusioned! Now basically, what can happen is that when the birds reach the drop zone, they turn and then head towards the west lofts, now if the birds sit on a steady speed, maybe 40 -45 mile per hour, then the guys in the west have their birds cover a certain distance at that speed, so , therefore, using a formula a time can be deducted from the West flyers. The same system can also have time added to fanciers that have overfly, working on how much overfly (direct line with drop zone) and once again the speed of 40– 45 miles per hour. You need to experiment with these things but it is interesting how racing can be made more exciting and keep people interested in the sport. Some people may call this a breakpoint, but a breakpoint is different uses a different formula to adjust racing, many times I have seen the breakpoint used totally incorrectly, therefore disadvantaging fanciers and also chasing people away from the sport again. To try new things are very hard for the pigeon sport with people who are too scared to even open their minds to simple improvements to the sport, computers, GPS and release conditions monitoring, the internet and computers are wonderful tools if used correctly. (Location can well account for 80%of a well-located lofts success.) Yours in the Sport, Barry Trewin
The Forming Of The Moray Firth Flying Club,
St Finnan Loft replied to grizzle09's topic in Notice Board
Fair play to you guys for trying to resolve a problem that has prevailed in this sport since its inception. Fanciers both now and in the past have talked about the unfairness in races hence we talk of The Golden Mile, Tram Lines, etc. I acknowledge that the dogleg for your birds is a big handicap, so well done to you guys for trying to resolve the problem. However at A.G.M.s fanciers in 'Golden Mile' areas still `close ranks or shout down any changes which would be beneficial to a larger percentage within their Federation. We all acknowledge there is no perfect route, however, when the majority of the early birds are timed into the side of the Federation putting the least entries into the race, it makes one wonder if this is a fair race route for all members. This is only my opinion. -
Sorry to hear you have been unwell, rest, and look to the future.
Wakefield Yb Open Result
St Finnan Loft replied to SammyH's topic in Fife Federation Notice and Club Results
As expected with the west wind determining the leading birds would all be on the east side of Fife. So well done to Davie Baldie and Mark Malloy who had a great race. However, plaudits must go to Ian Hynd who had an outstanding race as well as a great season in the West section of Fife. -
Thanks for that another local fancier is on his way.
Any fanciers able to help a member of the public who has a pigeon contained in ALNWICK Yorkshire Trading Company Bondgate Lane ALNWICK NE66 01383513655
I have had a member of the public report to me IHUS125385, this pigeon is walking the street in Grange Road Saltwood England and is easily picked up. Have put this on Basics as a long shot a fancier may be close by.