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Everything posted by NANCYVIEWLOFTS

  1. is it just me or do other members notice that when you get a stray bird in the wing stamp is either to faint to read or has being smudged so you cant read it does it not say in the rules that birds for racing should be CLEARLY wing stamped i think all members wing stamp them at the start of the season but not all check that they are clearly marked during the season is it because they dont want them back
  2. macclesfield cheshire 7 15 am high cloud sun breaking through strong s/w wind
  3. staffs/moorlands at poole no lib today
  4. macclesfield cheshire 9 45 am overcast and raining
  5. fifer i bought a young hen at their sale at the old comrades in december out of see u and raffles i paired it to a cock from c leadbeater /son they have allready bred 2 birds to win 2x1st a 1x2nd
  6. can you tell us why scottish birds are not wing stamped
  7. hi everyone the problem with the reporting of young birds is getting worse and worse each year we have reported every youngster that has been wing stamped at least 10 this season with only one sending for it well i say sending for it he acctually picked it up as he only lived 5 miles away when you report them to be honest all you get is either can you throw it up/ do you want it /or as 2 fanciers have said can you neck it never asking as to the condition of the bird im not saying every one is like that but those i have had contact with have been also most fanciers will not have stray youngsters in or around the loft area due in my mind for the fear of catching youngbird sickness and rightly so if we had a unwritten rule that all fanciers could stamp their birds with a C or a R the C would stand for CULL and the R would stand for REPORT i know some fanciers will say its not their job to cull other peoples birds but again to be honest how many of us actually want young birds back in a box
  8. staffs/moorlands fed frome lib at 11 30 nw wind
  9. macclesfield cheshire at 10 20 am bright sunshine clear blue skys good visabillity
  10. sending 20 with the staffs/moorlands fed from frome 142 miles
  11. bollington cheshire 7 00 am bagged out and raining visabillty virtually zero
  12. when we flew the natural system flying from RENNES we had a brico/sion hen that cramped up on the house roof and sat there for 14 mins she still topped the fed but only by decimal 8 of a yard
  13. staffs/moorlands fed from frome liberated at 8.15 in a s/w wind lib report said birds were lib in sunshine and cleared well would encounter showers on route with cloud cover at home end
  14. bollington cheshire 6 45am sun breaking through good visabillity
  15. had them in the late eighties early ninties terrific pigeons had mine from gordon sinclair from manchester liverpool lou dicky wing lines one pair alone were responsible for 12 different fed winners for us sold most of them when i moved towns wish i still had them they were real triers
  16. how many fanciers on the forum have had yb sickness this year
  17. i dont think the age matters but normally after 3 or 4 years old you cant motivate them the same as they have seen it and done it all before
  18. could anyone recommend a good club race result program on cd that includes pool money and prize money along side the bird have one at the moment but you have to print out 2 sheets to see the pool money and nowhere to put prize money
  19. 19back from 20 ---- 30 mins after first one clocked
  20. i expect it would cost a lot more to have it repaired /serviced than the clock is worth to be honest we have a member with one and it keeps perfect time as the other members sugest look around for a stb these can be picked up for about 60 -100 pound depending on age and as i said that would be cheaper than repairing the one you have
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