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Everything posted by cowman

  1. what gets my goat up is when you fill in the club results from the rpra link it has 4 postions so you fill in 1-4 and they only print 1-3 for gods sake if you provide all 4 results wish they would print all 4 .
  2. don`t wanna upset our indian friends ;D ;D ;D ;D. gloucester fed at wincanton 65 to me sending 9.
  3. not another owen101 is it ;D ;D ;D
  4. as he is flying in the uk no chance of a hot day then pmpl ;D ;D ;D
  5. cowman


    we all missed you too chris . :P
  6. cowman

    wnr fead @ newbury 2

    so thats friday and saturday lol
  7. before i fitted my backing gate to mine i use to have one bird that use to get on the perch at the back fly at the sputnik and at the last second close her wings to dart through the hole and out she would go.
  8. mine are going 40 mile today raced 40 mile 2 weeks running but as my mate has got to pick 1 of his birds up today may as well take them again .
  9. i got 2 1/2 ltrs of it here 0.5% just dab with a cotton bud and works well . its not something you can normally get unless you get the lower % from vets otherwise you can get it from countrywide but if they ask what you want it for DONT say pigeons or they wont sell it to you tell them you have some cattle.
  10. cowman


    i cant fault the bloke he done me a favor by picking up a bird from someone in wales he doesn`t like and delivering it to superstars for me to collect he will go out of his way to help anyone .
  11. cowman


    if they have our numpty lets take the bops and trade ;D(evil)(evil)
  12. cowman


    just been told he wont be back till thursday . dont think numpty has had a chat with vanreet yet ;) ;D ;D
  13. no more strags in the town then vanreet ;D ;D ;D ;D
  14. maybe send it to rpra they must have legel department may give us some grounds to get some of the bop culled .
  15. you sure you haven`t been in the town collecting strags ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  16. take it a polish person in uk tell them they can have it it is much more tasty than pike or carp. ;D ;D ;D ;D
  17. you aint got a gb09t dc there ?
  18. i`m right on the edge of the m5 and m50 here and would be prepared to take in birds on condition the owners will send any that say yes they will send for them that dont would be reported but if we can get one or two couriers onside to take birds from a stray center it will help out all over the country i know jm couriers travel north as well as south and provide and good service if 2 or or more get together and work from north to south east to west it could be cost affective for all parties .
  19. top notch service from them picked up my stray from nottingham this morning at 11am as promised and delivered just after 6pm same day thanks for the great service .
  20. i was just talking to my courier and he was saying if you had a stray center and people used them they could pick up 6 birds from one place and deliver to 6 addresses and be able to lower the costs as there would only be one collection point so come on lads lets get this up and running and use them and get cheaper carrage .
  21. if they can fly they go mind you i have lights in loft so birds have 16hrs plus of light from weaning till week before last race helps hold their flights .
  22. i feed 1oz and my birds will fly around the loft for around 2 hours unless i call them in earlier they come well from training too always content after feeding so cant see why they need more i only feed extra maize when building up for channel racing but its only 1/2oz maize per bird for 3 days before channel race.
  23. what size spoons you using i only feed 1 oz per day sunday to tues 50% barley 50% young bird mix then we to friday 100% young bird mix i feed in the evening after training or around the house except on friday when i feed at around 10am so they are hungry on return home maybe feeding young bird every feed is a bit rich for them try cutting it down adding some wheat or barley to lighten it up a bit.
  24. cowman

    Pigeon Manure

    hope you didn`t use the harkers oral coxoid as it does state on the bottle manure must not be used on crops intended for human consumption .
  25. hi and welcome to the site michelle
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