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Everything posted by shugf2003

  1. Tried to convince her in doors that for years lol
  2. Walter is not talking about a headache hes talking about treating against a disease, headache is not a disease you get the flu jag to stop you getting the flu you still get flu like symtoms but the jag helps you fight it Ps a give the bird paracetamol so she disnae get a headache
  3. Scotland team Mcgregor hutton Hanley Caldwell Mulgrew Burke McAthur dorrans Snodgrass Maloney Fletcher
  4. never fed it out of the breeding season but sure saw a difference in the youngsters coming out the nest when parents were fed it every day bigger more robust and seemed to be very healthy, Always kept the youngsters on it through out the season jmo good luck sure you will see a difference.
  5. Well done son correct been away for a while dont know all ? internet no that good but sounds good to me thanks
  6. last pic a will have it nosey buger with the white stripe on his head let me know how he does thanks
  7. Loking good mate if the one with the white head nae good al have it lol am sure it will do u a turn
  8. sorry mate used to be the case aslong as as u stated clock i/e first second or third as long as birds timed were continuious spelling thanks
  9. He wants a clock LoL
  10. Is it not your first clock counts say you type no 1/2 in to one clock 3/4 second clock 5/6 third clock as long as there continious or has it changed sorry as long as u state first second third clock
  11. m as previous of course it does you either have ets or clock if you cant afford ets then make do with a clock but i would rather haver a clock ?
  12. Same answer two clocks used to be allowed as long as u dont go from one to an other continuious timing ie 123 one clock 456 another might be changed now
  13. dont know about the distance certanly the short fast races you are correct but they have to trap first lol
  14. I remember a come back race and we threw in a load of yearlings and i sat in one section as my dad and his mate threw me rubbers to time in think we timed a few the clocks were that full was so unblievable the sec and clock checker checked it three times lol
  15. obviously ets is faster but is it the same you can time your first four birds to one clock and your next five to your second clock but you dont have to produce it if your second five are rubbish lol
  16. If i was back in the sport the only way i would have ets is due to work the biggest thrill i got was catching and timing and getting to know and feel how your birds are after a race.
  17. a bigger thrill though catching removing and timing lol
  18. of course they have you have to catch every bird take rubber off put in thimble and time in, ets just let them trap
  19. 1/2/3/4 pads one ets as i remember you can use two clocks as long as you state first or second clock but you cant jump between clocks that was few years ago maybe changed
  20. Have been on this site watching way before i decided to join to keep me in the know heres hoping it wont be to long before i am back intouch with a few young ones. But lets remember theres your opinion my opinion and everybody's opinion we all have an opinion what works for one may not work for another keep up the good work and enjoy yours in sport Shug
  21. Thanks for that Gareth an old partner of mines on that result need to print and show him next time at my mums
  22. shugf2003

    Photo Resizer

    Try updating to version 5.02 but i think its on compatible upto windows 7 good luck
  23. If it was the fitter in Glasgow central f--k the public cancel the train lol
  24. Always liked the hormoform Don't think you need to worry much about products the condition your birds were in earlier picture all the best
  25. Thanks guys hopefully get in the mood later to celebrate
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