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Everything posted by shugf2003

  1. I arrived at Liverpool training academy yesterday about 11:45 whilst having a look around u could hardly see for fog when a batch of about 30 trainers I assume passed over racing like hell the English don't seem to care about the weather I wonder if he got them all home
  2. Also a good option but depends who you have booked through think some companies are canceling transferable tickets still to be confirmed cheer shug
  3. No problem Just waiting on the Sat / sun proposed time table and changes for Edinburgh cheers shug
  4. Proposed Train shuttle service from Glasgow Central to Carlisle via Kilmarnock from Monday 11/01/2016 04:35 05:30 06:35 07:22 08:22 Then 22 past the hour up to 17:22 Still to be confirmed could still change before Monday Cheers Shug YIS
  5. They've been trying to get us sorry your good distance flyers I only dabbled now and again lol to report first pigeons siince a was about 12 in 1980 still never happened don't suppose it will happen now lol good luck
  6. Exactly my point
  7. That's why am glad the wee man has took his football serious at nine years of age other wise there would have been a new loft by now he had been at me since he was four about pigeons after visiting his Gran and papa seen the lofts out the back and the trophies on ma old dads mantel. Three million questions about pigeons there after before he forgot and got into football. just like me a thought at the time then I remembered the jealousy of our great sport. Sorry for that could have been the next generation he still keeps asking when am getting pigeons all is not lost. He says he will buy me a new loft if he makes it lol
  8. Thanks Del had seen some posts where people were working and received a text on arrival thanks that's why a never left the loft till the last bird arrived lol
  9. Excuse my ignorance having not flew for a few years but I thought the expensive ets system sent you a text message on arrival thanks
  10. Just seen the hourly train service Vigin were supposed to test run via Kilmarnock and Dumfries on Sat is yet to be confirmed will try and keep you updated
  11. Hi Frank not confirmed yet having trouble with Scotrail who need to cancel some services but that's the plan. At the moment buses leaving Edinburgh to Lockerbie are from 06:45 then every two hours change at Lockerbie for onward connections to Preston subject to change daily Cheers Shug
  12. For Info there are no trains from Edinburgh or Glasgow to Carlisle until end of Jan There will be Buses leaving Edinburgh and Glasgow to Carlisle for onward train connections may add some time to you're journey cheers Shug
  13. Must have been hard for u guys today seen 3 pigeons just after 4 racing and trying to battle against the wind back into lanarkshire straight from the North well done all
  14. I see the pigeon world is still living in the dark ages I remember going back to Plains when the old man was still flying in Caldercruix under both our names. I wanted to join Plains club to make it easier on us both due to my shifts. After speaking to secretary at that time I was forced to join the club to fly youngsters in my own name. This was due to my father leaving the Plains club 20 or so years earlier think a was about 8 or 9 didn't make any difference to me still won just the same but could see the disappoint on the old mans face at presentation night as my name was shouted out to collect a trophy. All though he was just as delighted as me when he was allowed to collect our tropheys . Nothing changes .
  15. Cheers mate though a drought it in the morning Braidhurst are good team and all at Motherwell but you never know lol
  16. One or two wee man kicking off of at ten tomorrow at Airdrie stadium then at Murray Park for three cheers
  17. Jack Ferguson age 8 released from Celtic elite squad for being to small on the plus side he's at Murray park until Xmas lol
  18. We'll done stick to the old lap top in future thanks
  19. Help back to lap top lol
  20. shugf2003

    Fri Disco

    ► 3:50► 3:50 www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ww4v2cP-MDo 17 Jul 2009 - Uploaded by MrTOTP YouTube home · Upload Sign in. Search. What to Watch ... Peters & Lee - Welcome Home ... Hope it works on kids I pad lol Sack that try again lol
  21. shugf2003


    Good luck after buying a new loft and 12 or so at two snfc sales 10 van reets from masarella and ten win van lee mans a wish it was her that left and relocated and no me lol that was 12 years ago
  22. Your just an old plodder like the rest of us get well soon lol
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