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Everything posted by Bobby4

  1. yes an also 95% last week an 97% home this week long may it continue, stranraer could be a diffrent story bop territory fingers crossed
  2. i flew his birds in the 90s also met him in a few occasions at his loft he was a gentleman an a great man i was only 16 an was at one of his sales the starting price was 25 quid an a boy in the crowd offered him 24 he said 25 starting price an taffy said are you giving me 25 or not the boy said no an he handed me the pigeon an said take that son for nothing thats the sort off man he was
  3. wel done one loft team on which seems a descent race
  4. thats us even 1 bet each😁
  5. aye an you took the bet no flys on tommyπŸ˜‡
  6. wel done guys what a fast velocity fastest i have ever seen
  7. i had it an its a curse i have got clear off it but you have to keep on top off it as you can catch it the next time you race the birds get onto belgica de weerd or pigeon testing centre both in homing world an ask for lisa
  8. Thats us all in for the one loft race 5 race team look out for the ant hill mob haha
  9. Be interesting to see when an whos birds they were
  10. I have sent the info to my bro in south wales an he can spread it about down ther .
  11. If it was posted to another site it would do a lot off help
  12. I have sent it 50 more ppl today get them sent guy everyone count that an the bird flu could possibly help our pigeons.
  13. Iam not on any other sites it would help if someone is an could put the link up.πŸ‘
  14. Signed an shared πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  15. For ban on artificial nests getting built look it up https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/617720
  16. You have had a great year joe wel done
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