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Everything posted by Keepsmilingqueen

  1. that sounds like a cracker of a plan as a healthy bird is a winning bird, but do you have time to eat, sleep, work e.ct, id feel like my eye was permenantly glued to the microscope and my hand to the blow torch !! at the min i check under the microscope once a week and the same goes for the blowtorch ;D (i have not set fire to the loft as of yet, but there is still time, i have almost set fire to my hair once or twice tho lol) i am hoping that my mum and i will have more sucsess with the young birds as it seems to depend less on systems and movivation tricks !! (at which we are failing dramatically) Since my father died in feb leaving us the birds, we are attempting to race out the season in his memory (alas out of 4 races we have gotten no where apart from 4th and 5th club in the 1st race) hoping for better luck with young ones !! but its the taking part that counts !! ;D keep up the master plan updates as the season progresses !!! and good luck with racing !!
  2. what if you cannot make the birds stay airborne for an hour morning and evening, im lucky if i can keep ours up for longer than 20 mins, as the loft is placed in our backgarden and we live in a large housing estate, the birds tend to either land back on the loft or if i put the flags out then they just sit on the surrounding houses not doing any work - to try and counter act this i have been taking them 20miles down the road 3 times a week and keeping them up for as long as i can. any suggestions most welcome lol, ps thease are raced on the natural system, we started the season not too badly with 4th and 5th club, but since them we've not even been close :'( my and my mum ae totally new to the sport having taken over my fathers birds when he sadly passed away in feb of this year xxx
  3. Hi i need some advice about the various motivation systems used in pigeon racing, my father sadly passed away in febuary leaving my mother and i with his team of racing birds, as a mark of respect we are now attempting to race out the season in his memory, i know he normally raced the natural system and the birds were already paired up when he passed away, most of them have reared a round of youngsters and gone to nest again - the 1st race of the season we did reasonally ok for novices getting 4th and 5th club agaist some good fanciers and birds, but since then we have been way behind the pace !! The birds are exersized morning and night and trained twice a week, however i have noticed that some of the birds have not gone back to nesting to create 2nd round of YB's and as such no longer have any motivation , We dont want to switch to widowhood as we need all the YB's we can get, as we keep only a 6 pairs of stock birds. Any hints/suggestions would be great, would it be any good to re-pair/confine thease wayward birds till they go down to nest again ??? we are not wanting to be fed toppers here we just want win a card or two thanx in advance xxx
  4. The ring numbers are: 2000 Shot 2652 2000 Shot 2632 2005 Shot 1339 2005 Shot 2982 2005 Shot 2998 2005 Shot 2980 2005 Shot 2984 2005 Shot 2999 Any info apprechiated
  5. when i saw the title of the thread my heart sank into my shoes !!! so relived when i actually read the post that its a orrville wind up ;D sharron . Co Durham
  6. i voted racing pigeons , but i also have what i call tumblers ( i dont sopose they are tumblers at all, but here in the north east anything which is stupid has feathered legs and flips when allowed to fly free is classed as a tumbler :, i have 12 of these which live the life of luxury in an aviery (they were my 1st pigeons i was given them as a eighth b-day prezzie, as dad didn't trust me with the racers lol :)
  7. Hi i have e-mailed the daily star and added my 2 pennies worth ;D So far i have had no adverse reaction from the neighbours to my releasing the birds for exersize, both the old birds and youngsters have been out today as they do everyday (weather permitting) and i will continue to do so until informed otherwise. Sharron. Co Durham :K)
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