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Everything posted by Keepsmilingqueen
alas the digi cam got lost under a massive pile of revision for end of year university exams, i have just burrowed my way out to freedom, and as luck would have it i havent lost either the choc or the black yet so fresh pics will arrive in a day or two, but for the between time here is one i took a day or 2 after they got here
hmmm that black one you sent me had a bath today, will i find it has morphed into a chequer in the morning ?!?! The little chocolate one is a cracker its already been for a circuit or two round the loft, the black one is for the moment keeping its feet firmly on the ground, but it has nice long legs maybe it wants to be a road runner instead ;D
thanx for the offer paulo but im not exactly short on youngbirds with over 30 already weened away, i was after chocolate ones from pete to please my neices but as luck would have it tammy sent me a choc and a black which im pleased as punch with, as after the trouble i had getting them i never want to hear the word amtrak again !! god help me if i get any southern strays reported this year i hope theyd do the decent thing or accept a transfer form as i dont wish to go thru that again !
as far as i know NEHU birds dont have to be stamped, tho i stamp all mine both young and old
never mind Pete i had huge problems with amtrak this week getting birds from tammy, the poor things were lucky to make it alive and were very dehydrated when i finally went to the depo personally to collect, i hope to never use them again after this i woudnt let them deliver me a parcel they are that unreliable never mind a living pigeon ! ;D
How are things comming along ? ;D
12 cocks and 12 hens
hi, just though id say i also had a youngbird that lost the use of its legs within a few days of being split off from the parent birds, it also lost the feathers just under its chin, droppings were fine under the mic, and no sign of canker ect so i gave it calcium and withing a few days it was a whole new bird the feathers came back in and it was perching and exersizing its wings and its never looked back since ;D no clue really what was wrong with it tho its been the only bird to show that kind of symptoms to im hoping it was just a mineral deficiancy
thanx dovescot i will try the amtrak website, i only got home from uni at 7pm as i had a late lecture that didnt end until 6pm so by the time i checked my e-mails there was nothing i could do, i cant beleive it tho i made sure i gave the right details even got the woman to read it all back to me at the end to double check, i was devistated when they wernt collected esspecially as it took me ages listening to jazzy hold music to get thru to them in the 1st place !! i will be giving them an earful tommoro over the phone
thanx redcheq i will give em a ring tommoro
cheq youngster came in tonight, looks to have been out a good few days rather skinny, ill start the bidding at £5 lmao ;D just kidding if anyone knows the number for hetton fed or even better the club number this bird actually belongs too as iv missplaced my combine book it would be much apprechiated
best time of day to wean?
Keepsmilingqueen replied to lordcornwallis's topic in Novices, Beginners & Young Fanciers
i usually take them off on a morning after the parents have been exercised and fed, so the young have a little feed in the crop but arnt stuffed (but i do always have a pot of maples peas in a corner of the nesting box so by then they are eating by them selves anyway) in the youngbird section i have 2 ancient tumblers with hearts of gold who will feed anything if it squeaks and chases them enough which is handy, plus thease old timers show the youngones were to eat and drink. i also put a large ish upturned cardboard box with an entry hole cut in on with floor in a corner with straw inside for them to rest in until they can get up onto perches but its usually only required for a night or 2. ps anyone else that uses tumbler/droppers for there youngbirds have u noticed that young pigeons are racist !! when i put the 1st lot of weaners in each year they bully the life out of the tumblers and chase them non stop (they arnt doing the food begging kind of chase this is nasty chase with pecking) iv concluded it must be becouse they are frigtened of the tumblers having never seen anything with feathered feet before and maybe arnt quite sure what they are ;D -
Loft favorite lost from Wolviston on a training toss 2 days ago. Thomas is a very Large Blue barr cock pigeon, very tame. He has raced the full inland programme both as a youngbird and as a yearling. Was released in fine weather so this shoudnt have happened, i have a feeling he must have been hawked as he is the only bird missing. But thought id post anyway just incas someone gets him in Best wishes Sharron ;D
the amount of young birds your giving away if half ov them place when racing your going to be hated all over the country !! ;D
Hi pigeon pete howa things comming along ??
arnt the rules normally written in the north combine year book??
last year smallest 3 largest 39 this year ..... who knows ;D
Dont worry shadow i have no plans at all to Ever lol i was just wondering if it was possible as im sure a fancier on here said he crossed a West of england with a racer and managed to train it consistently from 40 miles as a youngbird before clipping it down as a dropper. ;D
Interesting coloured Racing pigeons?
Keepsmilingqueen replied to Keepsmilingqueen's topic in Notice Board
thanx all lovely birds please keep them comming it you have a racer in your loft thats a little different colour wise ;D -
quite a fair bit of snow in peterlee, but the main roads are clear and usable, little side roads are not so good tho and at university in newcastle there is hardly a snowflake to be seen on the ground, which is a pitty i was hoping to get snowed in at home and have a uni free day oh well lol ;D
Hi ronnie my eggs arnt due out yet theyve only been laid 14 days so iv got a little while yet till they hatch on the subject of crossing i wonder if you crossed a racer with something fancy maybe a high flyer or roller then bred back to racers if they would retain homing ability or just be capable of homing round the loft
i think you may have forgotten to post the pic
Hey mac1 do those flappers of yours tumble in flight then ?? or do you always have them clipped down ?? just i have a few handsome Feather footed besties what id class as tumblers but they dont sumersault in flight to me they just fly normal
Hi all, im very interested in unusual and rare coloured racing pigeons, so if you have any weird coloured ones please post a pic Best wishes Sharron
;DDont wood pigeons have a different diet ??? i thought woodies ate seeds and fruit while racers ate corn :-/ i wonder what a woodie X racer looks like ??