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Everything posted by oldguy

  1. I heard a guy called harry may be the dad!
  2. Ive been told use one inch of paste to 4 pints of water
  3. What are the legal procedures and requirements to go over to Holland, Belgium, etc, and bring back a couple of pair of birds Kev
  4. What are the legal procedures and requirements to go over to Holland, Belgium, etc, and bring back a couple of pair of birds Kev
  5. what is the youngest age can a selection of birds (mixture of young birds and adults) be wormed with Eqvalan kev
  6. oldguy


    at what age (weeks) should young birds be able to cope with a 5 mile and 10 mile training session I seem to be having problems with 9 week old birds at 5 miles, flying in groups of 6 birds kev
  7. its theft by finding...there is one easy solution kev
  8. thanks for the replies, i'm getting closer to finding them kev
  9. hi having read the thread about the probable smallest pigeon ...Valencian figurita........ I'm wondering does anyone know who breeds them kev
  10. some 25 years ago i had a few fantails flying in the garden and decided to see if they would hatch other types of eggs..result 2 pheasants..mind you they couldnt seem to understand that the chicks didnt want to sit in the nest kev
  11. If they could talk what would they be saying? The budgies free fly as a colony in the loft and eat and sleep side by side with the pigeons kev
  12. Whats the elastic band method, how is it attached to the wing how does it work kev
  13. Brilliant pic, I've never got too close with the camera to take pics like that, don't want to disturb them too much, but, might try it, anyway you've taken a fantastic picture....thanks for sharing it. the pic was taken from approx 4 feet away, the birds are getting used to any activity around them as they have to put up with the noise from electric saws, a radio playing all day, and me banging about just outside their accommodation kev
  14. hi the male busshaert is from Mark, the female is from the loft you told me about in east yorkshire as for the youngster being for sale, you will noticed i added the caption advertised as soon as possible, its only just hatching. it isnt actually for sale........ at the moment ! kev
  15. Busschaert x rapido both white, born late this afternoon
  16. Thought I would get it advertised as soon as possible kev
  17. this is the first summer of breeding from the stock ive put together over the last few weeks, though when ive sorted out what i'm keeping there will be a few YBirds and stock birds available, the choice will be made from Busshaerts - rapidos- camiel cardon - delbars kev
  18. The first two busschaerts to be born in the new loft took into a nourishing meal with dad. kev
  19. I have a night light provided by the local authority for the birds as their accomodation is approximately 20 yards from a nice orange street light, I cant grumble it provides security as well as the opportunity for the birds to have a mid-night snack kev
  20. thanks guys, i think i will try it, but at the same time watch closely for the improvements kev
  21. what are your thoughts on this product, does anyone use it, or know anyone who does http://www.everythingforpets.com/orego_stim_1000ml_new_shape_bottle.pet/use.id.5.item_id.3656.dept.0/ kev
  22. Anyone know of a cheaper source of wheat germ oil than from this link http://www.haiths.com/product-Pure-Wheat-Germ-Oil-200ml-HPWHEAGOIL/ kev
  23. oldguy


    The birds will be fed an average type of diet, mixed seeds with additives kept in a loft with lots of fresh air and natural light
  24. oldguy


    At what age does a young bird moult its first wing feathers kev
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