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Not according to the RPRA Rule book.

241. The positioning of the ETS sensors/

antennae will not be allowed on any landing

boards or other external surfaces in such a

way that when the loft is closed no electronic

chip ring may be recorded by the Electronic

Timing System installed. Club Officials may

make random checks at any time.


I know there were talk about this at the beginning and introduction of ETS systems but don't think it was ever followed up. In the continent they have their ETS pads placed outside lofts.


Is it true that when the ets pads are positioned they are then sealed so the can't be moved????

Yes that's wots ment to happen but if your loft is on an allotment you take the chance of lossing it that's why it gets took home & nobody is going to check it every week it's getting out of hand


Yes that's wots ment to happen but if your loft is on an allotment you take the chance of lossing it that's why it gets took home & nobody is going to check it every week it's getting out of hand



If you enforce by ruling Pads MUST be sealed in you (the ruling body)would need to carry insurance if it got nicked or face the challenge


ETS owners are being victimised by these enforced rules


If I own an STB or other manual clock I do not have to have a captive bird to clock and no questions are asked, which has been the normal practice for my 40+yrs in the sport


Think it would be a benefit to all if the ets rule stated that the ets system should be attached to the loft wether inside or out then we are all playing to the same rules with the same benefits then there's no doubts.imo ps ours are on the floors of the lofts will stick a pic up on Sunday.


so this is my loft so far any advice or tips on where trap door or doors shud go and what size also i will be cutting another window in top right and both will be cuverd with mesh and will have a remoovable clear pvc windoes as well



so this is my loft so far any advice or tips on where trap door or doors shud go and what size also i will be cutting another window in top right and both will be cuverd with mesh and will have a remoovable clear pvc windoes as well

Photo all blurred with pixels Dave, have you another photo you could put up.


The measurements are taken at the front of the loft, so if the pigeon lands on the front of the loft it has flown the distance of the race so how it is timed shouldn't matter. Jmo


The measurements are taken at the front of the loft, so if the pigeon lands on the front of the loft it has flown the distance of the race so how it is timed shouldn't matter. Jmo

bang on john we are pandering to the few who dont want it and dont want you to have it and so far the best timing to beat the cheats in our sport


bang on john we are pandering to the few who dont want it and dont want you to have it and so far the best timing to beat the cheats in our sport

Walter I wasn't having a go at the member with the conventional clock I sympathise with them as the ets has a distinct advantage, but hopefully in the near future everyone will have ets, as regards the positioning of the eats traps we could argue for ever about this but at the end of the day a lawyer would argue the velocity is calculated as time into distance so when the pigeon lands on the loft it has flown the distance.


id just fit a sputnic trap over that hole m8 with your ets pad on the floor of the sputnic sorted

i was thinking of cutting tow trap doors holes level with the shelf/landing board and making 2 traps that will attach to the inside of loft and having a pulley sliding hatch sort of things all so will be making a frame with mesh round that i can place on the shelf on the front of the right or left trapdoor for training young and for letting stock birds out in


Walter I wasn't having a go at the member with the conventional clock I sympathise with them as the ets has a distinct advantage, but hopefully in the near future everyone will have ets, as regards the positioning of the eats traps we could argue for ever about this but at the end of the day a lawyer would argue the velocity is calculated as time into distance so when the pigeon lands on the loft it has flown the distance.

lm just agreeing with you john

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