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CLUB MEETINGS< that time again

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yup the same usualy happens in most clubs the secatarys job is a thankless job that no-one wants , but its the same few that call the sec from a dog to a pig if they get it wrong but wont stand up to the plate when the jobs offered to anyone , then the secatary usualy ends up doing it for another year, realy this job could be broken down to share over a few members , like ring secatary ectra.

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i regard our club in high esteem from afantastic sec who is much apreciated tresurer clock commitee to people that load the birds on friday night .a short while ago we ad a sec that if couldent get his own way held the club to ransom afew bad members and your,e doomed we have now progressed to an open boundary any one welcome some top men in our club not frightend of competition any trouble makers are out . i believe if more clubs took this attitude there would an end to wire netting clubs open up to competition

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Guest strapper

this year has been my 4-5th year as sec,following 2yrs as chairman,ive aquired 2 new hq,s for club ,won a lottery grant (where we was turned down twice b4)done all the donkey work,run here and there.

endless jobs not coming under the sec title and i was still questioned about summut back in the year.

so ive told them they can stick their job this coming agm and ill just be a standard flyer and let someone else has the s4!t off them all,i know no one will take it on because they all are critics untill they are pressured to do summut themselves.

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oh well then try running club with 12 natinol winners  multy and there arguements on everything and anything see if its easy getting club balanced out and dealing with rest nonsense


lol just tell them to come to order and wind their necks in ;D

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ive been president of 2 clubs 1 fed and cant remember when i was not holding some post but last year i let go for the first time in 14 years due to family commitments  and had the best season ive ever had so the people who do thease thankless jobs do suffer with there birds but as usual i will prob. be back this year so be it there are some very valid points made on this thread but iam afraid nothing will ever change and the same willing horses will do it again (THATS THE 1 DAY A YEAR THE OFFICALS OF ANY CLUB ARE GREAT GUYS CANT DO A THING WRONG WELL AT LEAST FOR THE DURATION OF THE AGM!!!!!!!(

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as an ex secretary the job is not worth all the hassle and stress you get and if you do not get any volunteers to take over when you resign. I have seen clubs fold for that reason. or a pressed ganged member try's and lasts a few weeks before packing in and members come begging you to give one more year, nobody wants any resposible jobs but they all want to fly

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BANG ON! Strapper, leave them too it, enjoy your pigeon flying and should they come a beggin tell them if they want you to carry on the job for the next season, the secretary salary will no longer be paid out of club funds, it shall be paid out of members own pockets which will be set at £50 per member plus additional fees. The club funds can then be allocated to prize monies for the Averages winners, best novice performances etc. Its gone on too long for us Secretaries the abuse ends here, if you want the job doing you pay us properly now for our time.Once you hit them hard in their pockets you'll find the abuse stops at once. Its because the startegy for appointing a secretary was they were expected to accept a low honorium and we was made to think the members were doing the new elected secretary a good turn,We now live in the 21st Century and the times have changed the secretaries dictate the price of doing the job.... After all its a 365 day job on call 24hrs a day, now divide that figure into what you club members pay your own secretary and ask yourself......................would I be prepared to do the job for that little pay, as a point of law, your all guilty of breaking it as what  salary you pay your club secretary is way below the minimum wage (no days off,no maternity pay, sick pay, holidays) now come on lads I bet your throwing yourselves at being appointed  WELL PUT UP AND SHUT UP THEN !............................RR

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i regard our club in high esteem from afantastic sec who is much apreciated tresurer clock commitee to people that load the birds on friday night .a short while ago we ad a sec that if couldent get his own way held the club to ransom afew bad members and your,e doomed we have now progressed to an open boundary any one welcome some top men in our club not frightend of competition any trouble makers are out . i believe if more clubs took this attitude there would an end to wire netting clubs open up to competition


Interesting comments etc Gamekeeper & a lot of sense to it  ;) ;) one could say !!!!!!!, at least in my view. I also happen to fly in a open boundary club (By choice) & it certainly makes for interesting racing  :P :P compared to flying into a small area like most local clubs do.




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As mentioned by OLDYELLOW the SEC job should be broken down, hopefully this year it will be??.we have had afew members come forward since are last meeting so things are looking better :) :) :)


As a secretary of close on 30 years now I disagree that the job should be broken down,I find it far easier if I am doing the secs job,treasurers job,ring sec etc etc etc,then I now that these jobs have been done and I dont have to go chasing other people about if something goes wrong.

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If you have a good Chairmen and a good Secretary then look after them and support them. If you fail them then you run the risk of having people with their own agenda take up those posts which has been the ruin of many once great clubs. To the Chairmen and Secretaries out there, dont be too quick to let those muppets take over. By the time you say I told you so it is often too late!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Many of you have said, what a good job the secratery & chairman do in a club,

What responseible job is it of  the Presidnt.???

I know the RPRA has a booklet on how to run a club.  

It has the Secratery & Chairmans dutys, But nothing on the Presidents job!!!

Any ideas????

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