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Sad times for me, I have been a happy backyard Dovecote doo keeper for four years now but after a disastrous winter am just about set to call it a day. Since November have had 18 of my doos taken by a sparrowhawk. Nothing deters him/her. I have no loft to keep them safe,they lived happily in all weathers in the doocots, I just enjoyed them for what they were, a fabulous sight on a cold clear day and great to watch them doing what they do best. In a vain attempt to keep some safe I have just caught two and have them in a large covered box and run and am hoping I might be able to get some more of them to keep safe until the end of April. Who knows I might be able to get some to breed when they are out again if they last but knowing my luck I have just been left with a bunch of males! Cant really afford to restock if I am only restocking to feed the hawk.


I had always lost a few to the hawk each year which I guess was par for the course but this last winter has been horrendous, four in the last two weeks. My heart bleeds for you guys who have lofts full of valuable birds and who still get attacks.


When Winterwatch was on TV and they did a piece about Sparrowhawks I sent them pictures of my slaughtered birds but they never used them!


Thanks for all the help I have had since I started, the forum is full of great advice and tips for a newbie like me and very special thanks to Harry .

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Sad times for me, I have been a happy backyard Dovecote doo keeper for four years now but after a disastrous winter am just about set to call it a day. Since November have had 18 of my doos taken by a sparrowhawk. Nothing deters him/her. I have no loft to keep them safe,they lived happily in all weathers in the doocots, I just enjoyed them for what they were, a fabulous sight on a cold clear day and great to watch them doing what they do best. In a vain attempt to keep some safe I have just caught two and have them in a large covered box and run and am hoping I might be able to get some more of them to keep safe until the end of April. Who knows I might be able to get some to breed when they are out again if they last but knowing my luck I have just been left with a bunch of males! Cant really afford to restock if I am only restocking to feed the hawk.


I had always lost a few to the hawk each year which I guess was par for the course but this last winter has been horrendous, four in the last two weeks. My heart bleeds for you guys who have lofts full of valuable birds and who still get attacks.


When Winterwatch was on TV and they did a piece about Sparrowhawks I sent them pictures of my slaughtered birds but they never used them!


Thanks for all the help I have had since I started, the forum is full of great advice and tips for a newbie like me and very special thanks to Harry .


sorry to here that m8, have seen dovecots with a large covering of netting, keeps bird in but allows them space, lets know how you get on m8, and keep in touch

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Sad times for me, I have been a happy backyard Dovecote doo keeper for four years now but after a disastrous winter am just about set to call it a day. Since November have had 18 of my doos taken by a sparrowhawk. Nothing deters him/her. I have no loft to keep them safe,they lived happily in all weathers in the doocots, I just enjoyed them for what they were, a fabulous sight on a cold clear day and great to watch them doing what they do best. In a vain attempt to keep some safe I have just caught two and have them in a large covered box and run and am hoping I might be able to get some more of them to keep safe until the end of April. Who knows I might be able to get some to breed when they are out again if they last but knowing my luck I have just been left with a bunch of males! Cant really afford to restock if I am only restocking to feed the hawk.


I had always lost a few to the hawk each year which I guess was par for the course but this last winter has been horrendous, four in the last two weeks. My heart bleeds for you guys who have lofts full of valuable birds and who still get attacks.


When Winterwatch was on TV and they did a piece about Sparrowhawks I sent them pictures of my slaughtered birds but they never used them!


Thanks for all the help I have had since I started, the forum is full of great advice and tips for a newbie like me and very special thanks to Harry .



Hi Jill ,I,ll get you some tomorrow, don,t get to desponded its happening all over , can,t we just put the net up again for a little while and see how we get on ,i,ll send you a p.m. ok chin up

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Guest homestead

i lost 25 last year and 3 this so the birds cant go out unless i'm here.. just 2 days ago i let them out and went in the house within 1-2 mins it attacked what do you do?? i live by a railway and cant spot the hawk because of the tree's...I know what i want to do but i wont say it on here.... Heartbreaking and soul destroying but dont give up keeping birds you'll just have to be more carefull

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Thanks for the pm Harry.


I can see why you are all so mad about the situation, it is intolerable. And any right minded person should see that. I just wish I didn't feel so helpless .



Thanks for all the encouragement, just need to wAit and see what happens next.

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Guest bluemorning

a nice little aviary around your cote will solve your prob and let the birds out when you are at home the birds get plenty of fresh air and can be enjoyed while sat in your garden.the problem is the spar knows it can get food on tap and it wont stop till you break the cycle and this can take a while.i have something im looking into to hopefully stop bop attacking pigeons but its early days yet but hope to try it out on my birds but because i have changed the way i do things not getting any visits yet and young birds wont be bred untill the spars are nesting but if it works i will send you some to try and see if it works. atb

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Guest geordiejen

looks like its time to take some time out with the pigeons for a while.it will take time for the bops to seek food elsewhere im sure they will return time and time again all through the summer months.or on a brighter note the hen sparas will be down on eggs soon.dont lose heart as you could have a small shed with an aviary and do what most pigeon fanciers do.only let them out when you are there,although its not full proof but if the birds are let out at different times then the hawks cannot guarantee themselves and easy meal.last year my youngsters were out on the loft roof,first time out and as i watched them a spara landed in the tree next to them.the closest missile was thrown in the sparas direction and chased it away.the hawks are wary of human presence so keep an eye on them around the loft.

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Jillus, I'm really sorry that it has come to this, but rather than give up try changing the way you keep your doves. Better captive and safe than free and dead. A net is a good temporary solution and its immediate affect will be to break the spar's feeding cycle. After a few weeks without food it should also remove your place from its list of favourite places. Then erect an aviary over the dovecote area, and you will once again be able to enjoy them flying about, safe within it. Best wishes for future.

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Guest paulrstokes

If you find a carcas like thart rtemember the hawk will return to continue feeding, there are many things that you can add to a carcass to deter the hawk from coming back

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