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p charlton

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maybe i should get a mask

NOT maybe mate, honest use one, especially this time of year with darkness youngens,down,dust and feathers every morning when you open them up.

Masks are a must.



Sorry about your wee lass Paul but her health comes before everything else.Good luck in the future mate.



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Guest Tooshy Boy

maybe i should get a mask


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Shocked at your girl's reading, and that it was from an aviary too. I started wearing a mask this year after testing positive at Blackpool. I feel sorry for you both, that its come to this. It's a shame the birds have to go, but family & health come first.

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A Mask?

Well any and little help must be a boonin this regard.

But the very best, most expensive, and greatest contraption will still let in some of what you are trying to protect yourselve from. There isn't - regardless of what anyone tells you, a fool proof thing on the market, and as the docs says 'Most probably never will be'.

Two I know of, have had to pack up this last season, and both searched high and lol for a solution to no avail. Cost never being an issue.

But having said that I believe a 'Pill' will soon be on the market, like the one coming out soon regards Astma.

But every little helps George, and it certainly won't do any harm... indeed will help a lot I guess.

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A Mask?

Well any and little help must be a boonin this regard.

But the very best, most expensive, and greatest contraption will still let in some of what you are trying to protect yourselve from. There isn't - regardless of what anyone tells you, a fool proof thing on the market, and as the docs says 'Most probably never will be'.

Two I know of, have had to pack up this last season, and both searched high and lol for a solution to no avail. Cost never being an issue.

But having said that I believe a 'Pill' will soon be on the market, like the one coming out soon regards Astma.

But every little helps George, and it certainly won't do any harm... indeed will help a lot I guess.

Scuba diving gear will that protect me :emoticon-0136-giggle:


all joking aside all the best m8 for the future if you chuck it and i'll will be taking action to help prevent it

all the best



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