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what do you call a mob flyer

Guest Pigeon_Man87

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I found it interesting on the other forum about "Mob flyer", I would like to see what's your views about mob flyers.......


"people winning by position and the amount they send aswell as how many partners there is, so i'm interested to know what the members think a mob flier is, i.e 20 birds 30 or a 100, 3&4 in partnerships whether racing cocks and hens, how many younguns &so on,and is it do you think why they are winning just your views please"

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to me there is no such thing as a mob flier, well maybe you could call them a fancier who sends a lot. These sort of fanciers keep the cost down for everyone else, as at the end of the day they are paying for them to go to the race. Its upto the fancier how many they send. If you have 6 - 10 that are good in form etc  you will beat the man  who sends 100.

If i had 100 birds to send and they were not fit,healthy just not up to the job,you could send 2 a whip me everytime with them.Im not worried about competeing with myteam of 12 - 15 cocks.

But what is dangerous is the man who has the quantity but he also has the quality then he becomes dangerous and worth worrying about!!

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Couldn't agree more


For the last 2 years our average entry per race has been less than ten yet we've come out of it with 29 x 1st, Worcester Federation Bird of the Year, West Midlands sprint Champion, 2nd UK RPRA National Sprint Champion and 1st Open North Midlands Continental Yelverton  - winning by 9 mins 59 secs.


Like I said before, if you've got the tackle then you're half way home

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up untill the end of old birds this year my average weekly birdage would be around the 30ish mark, some flyers would comment on mob flying,my reply was this....u had more or less the same amount of rings i did  ive still got most of mine.... uve lost ur rubbish (with a grin on my face) ;D ;D ;D....paul :)

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to me there is no such thing as a mob flier, well maybe you could call them a fancier who sends a lot. These sort of fanciers keep the cost down for everyone else, as at the end of the day they are paying for them to go to the race. Its upto the fancier how many they send. If you have 6 - 10 that are good in form etc  you will beat the man  who sends 100.

If i had 100 birds to send and they were not fit,healthy just not up to the job,you could send 2 a whip me everytime with them.Im not worried about competeing with myteam of 12 - 15 cocks.

But what is dangerous is the man who has the quantity but he also has the quality then he becomes dangerous and worth worrying about!!



i agree


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Guest WINGS 04

i race 48 w/hood cocks that is in the club and snfc races i think you would get away with flying 10 or less in the sprint races but try doing all the races with this number and you will be found out

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Surely, Loft position is  the most important factor. Always remember. that with prevailing winds being westerley in the UK, there is a definite advantage to be flying SOUTH ROAD in a NE position,  in your fed or amal, further  the better. There are some places, that  relaise this, especialy when the "touch down" areas have a water jump before finishing. Morcambe Bay comes to mind, and I take my hat off to all  the fanciers up there that agreed to "breaking point" measurements. Liverpool is another water jump finish, hence the fed and amal. The fed at one time consisted mainly of NW (river)  lofts working up the coast through  to Crosby and Formby. But over the last decade, there has been some dramatic changes. The fed (in these  days of  dwindling fanciers) have boxed clever, and have taken the very heart  out of the once mighty L'pool amal, There's  not many Liverpool  Amal Flyers residing within the initial boundaries of the Amal these days.  90% of them live in the easterly Knowsley area. I suppose this is another reason why alcy vic, is not a popular man? Perhaps the truth hurts?  By the way!  Mickey Mouse, I see you got a new trumpet for Xmas, your position as I've explained is EVERYTHING. HUMBUG. ;D

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I've just had some pleasant replies (not peasant, pleb like)  Yes , now and again, there are wind changes, and haven't some of the guys up this way proved it? I've forgot more than these so called  modern "palpitators" are trying to prove. Has anyone heard of such a load of crap? One for the big boys. Without scurrying for internet wisdom, which I doubt you will find anyway.

                                                                       We all know how a pigeon moults primary flights don't we? be it any time of year.  By the way, drifting slightly, ;D  (where did you get the tip from Big Boy regarding Buttermilk?) Brasspenny mentioned your secret 4 years  in his normal BHW article. ;D     Anyhow  getting back to "brass tacks" scuse the pun.  ;D Just tell the novices looking in, ANYONE of you "big boys"! (such a simple question).

How does a pigeon cast its secondary flights? in what order? what age? and when?


    PALPITAION INDEED! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D You KN-B heads


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Guest TAMMY_1



hate the words mob flyer, a lot of clubs need to have members that keep and race a lot of birds or they would have to pay some price to race them, the more birds that are sent in the club the cheaper it becomes for every member to be in the club

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I believe I agree on the mob flyer not being real.  Only real problem I have run into is when someone sent 50 birds are the other 6 flyers only send a total of half that many.  The 50 birds will create  a drag and that is where to main problem lie's.  Only cure is to fly more to equal things out.  Ed


Dont ur birds go up with a federation.As would have thought wouldnt have created a drag if theres anther say 2,000 up in the air.

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do you never get fed up posting your achievments mike ?


Tammy - All I was doing was offering proof that you dont; have to keep hoards to be reasonably successful that's all.  We're not the best fliers in the world - I know that - we're not the cleverest either-  I know that too. But we DO do pretty well considering the numbers we can keep & the time we can put into the birds.


If people have an issue with that then that's their issue - not mine.


Doubtless there'll be other lads who do very well and keep a small team. I'd welcome their thoughts, systems and advice as much as the next man because they deserve respect.


By the way - agree that if you're gonna fly distance & fly in Nationals regularly then you need a strong squad of numbers (both quality & quantity) - that's not our game though.  I like the shorter races

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Dont ur birds go up with a federation.As would have thought wouldnt have created a drag if theres anther say 2,000 up in the air.


Hi Wiley.

My birds go up with the concourse birds, here in the states we are spread out much more than what I understand you guys are there.  The largest majority of the flyers are 40 north east of me and I am on the shortest end of the concourse, when I send 8 birds they always tend to stay with the main flock and go north east instead of west where they need to be.  Only was to beat this is to train on a different line of flight.  Only flew here one OB season and one YB season, hopefully I have learned more by now about the area and my birds will be trained a little differently this year.  Later pal.  Ed

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You only need 1 to win...


Well said.      


It's up to them if they wants to race a lot of birds or a small team of birds. Depends on how size lofts they have, time, and management

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