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Noticed today a 97 stock cocks ring has gone very tight Its foot is slightly enlarged

Think ring is better of



Homer 49


Check your local fire station to see if they have a ring cutter they will cut it off with no risk of injury to the birds leg in the mean time try moving the ring up the leg and clear out all the dead skin that will be behind it then push the ring down as far as possible and do the same again it is suprising how much you will find if that works there may be no need to take the ring off. :)


homer use  apair of nail clippers and do a bit at  time done with one of my hens last year


A small pair of  wire snips, have used a few times.


Nick the top and bottom back and front, the ring will come away no bother at all, as long as someone is helping you.

Guest speckled

any reason why this ring is so tight,? had the pigeon injurged itself, try moving the ring up down the leg  :o ya be surprised  the amount of  crap that get stuck between the ring & the leg, dont matter how many baths thay have ya always get a build up. (crap) :-/ ya no yourself if ya wear rings yourself after a few time ya need clean then underneath,well just  thought it wont hurt to try before cutting he thing off. :-/ :-/ :-/ Speck

any reason why this ring is so tight,? had the pigeon injurged itself, try moving the ring up down the leg  :o ya be surprised  the amount of  crap that get stuck between the ring & the leg, dont matter how many baths thay have ya always get a build up. (crap) :-/ ya no yourself if ya wear rings yourself after a few time ya need clean then underneath,well just  thought it wont hurt to try before cutting he thing off. :-/ :-/ :-/ Speck


good idea to try this as a build up of old scales builds up,if you can do this slightly try to fit a small piece of string and pull to and fro and alot of dead skin and scales will come of and loosen the ring slightly.I tend to lift ring up and clean scales of every bird when basketing

Guest speckled

;D well i am glad im not the onlyone that does this from time to time, mainly the stock birds are the one to suffer s thay dont get handled much, :-/ not like racing birds,  ;D the worst time for this i find is after breeding speck, dont hurt to check for (crap) behind the ring , as birds cant pick it out therselfs, Speck  :) :)


Homer, if the ring is tight, you could injure the leg more by attempting to turn

it. I have a good racer that broke his ring leg last season, since he has been sitting, he has developed a slight limp. It looks like his ring will have to be removed, and I know that some of the sugestions in other posts will not work, because it is  perhaps too tight .I,ll let you know how it goes, if, and when I attempt to remove it.


Without any doubt, the best way to remove a ring is to use a small pair of nail clippers. Get someone to hold the bird and clip the ring top and bottom at opposite sides of the ring, the plastic will crack, if you then clip the ring again top and bottom aprox quarter inch from one of the first cuts, you can remove the plastic and then simply cut the aluminium with a small pair of scissors, and then pull the ring open and remove.


It takes all of 2 mins.




Its an interesting thread.  :)


Never been involved in removing a ring but 'the nipper' method has my vote. I've  used a hacksaw for other jobs and one of its most noticeable byproducts is heat .. the ring is bound to get hotter as cutting progresses..

Cut the foot off remove ring then supper glue foot back on


Hi pigeonscout



Homer 49

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