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Cat problems..

Hamster Girl

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My neighbors have an outdoor cat - which gave neither of my previous two birds a problem - however they have recently adopted a new one. Both cats are the indoor/outdoor type, and so the people only have so much control over them..


My problem, though, is that their new cat has decided to sit on the top of my cages and harass my birds. My dad told me that when he went out back to check the yard for some tool or the like, our German Shepherd ran around the corner and chased the cat away, in effect, saving my birds.


Are there any ways you know of that I can prevent the cat from coming over - short of causing harm to it? (I am too nice to animals for my own good.. When my rabbit and show bird died, instead of burying them, I set them in the desert so that the other animals could have something to get them through the rest of the worst part of our summer.)


I've thought of asking my neighbors to do something - but what can they do to an outdoor cat? To keep it indoors would make it wonky, and I don't want them to lose their animal, but I am worried about my birds.. They (all four) are ybs around six to eight months old, and two of which I intend to sell, two of which I intend to breed out and eventually start a dove release with fo rlocal parties/weddings/etc.


Please, any and all help is appreciated, these birds are destined to be show birds, and I don't want to have highstrung critters while trying to compete. It reflects poorly on the handler if their animal struggles with them the entire showing.


- HG

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try a good water pistol and see if you can shoot them with a jet of water,,,,after a few times,they should get the hang of it not to go near your place,





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try a good water pistol and see if you can shoot them with a jet of water,,,,after a few times,they should get the hang of it not to go near your place,






In essence, make a moat about my birds' cages? I like that idea. Unfortunately the water evaporation rate would take a toll on our water bill.

I will though, look into some super-soaker water guns and such.. I like that plan quite a lot.


@ Blackjack ; thank you for the idea, but I doubt I could use an electric fence, since it would be a two-edged sword. Both our dogs patrol the yard, and were I to string up an electric fence of sorts, the half blind one would likely get tangled in it - let's just say she's not the brightest bulb in the box.

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hamster girl,,,,if you have a brook,stream or small river near you,get water from there as free and save your water bill !!


                    just a thought for you !!!



I know.. I got "frozen" in a refresh cycle.. this isn't my computer - I'm at school, and we're lucky if th ecampus computers are having like 15 MB for speed and ram and such.. Like...4-6 hundred computers on the entire campus, not counting ones student brought to the dorms.


Unfortunately, I think I have to nix the moat idea, I live in the desert at the nexus of California, Arizona, and Mexico.

If only I still lived on the East Coast, I had a whole brook I could take from not four yards from my house. Was great to watch the local wildlife stop and drink at, I.e. White tail deer, moose, and the occaisional black bear or flock of turkeys.

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The electric fence is only two strands of wire a few inches apart, one charged the other earthed. I thought it sounded like a good idea for round the top of the pens if that is where the cat is sitting, sounds out of reach of the dogs, so no 'danger' to them..


From what I understand the point of it is to give the cat a little jolt that will both quickly send it on its way, and deter its return, so worth a try?

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Dogs can't climb and cats quicly learn this. Also heaven help any dog when a cat decides to drop on it's back and claw at it's eyes.

Further, besides the bloomng cheek to believe that any one can just open a door and give nieghbours a problem is just that. Cats don't have the right to roam. That is a myth and the owners are RESPONCIBLE for any damage ( Garden / flowers / rhubarb etc. they foul up or etc.) and especially any persons animal / bird they injure or kill!

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I have a ultrasonic cat deterent fitted facing the loft.

It,s not 100%  but I didn't realise just how good it was until I disconnected the power two weeks ago to start work on my new loft.

Since then every time I had my birds out local cats were on the loft watching them in the garden, luckily they were just inquisitive but you cant trust them.

At the time I couldn't understand why this sudden influx of cats, then yesterday it dawned on me that the cat deterrent which had been fixed to the loft all year was now disconnected and useless. I temporarily fixed up a new power supply, result birds out today and no cats to be seen. So now I'm a great fan of them and would recommend them for anybody to try.

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Dogs can't climb and cats quicly learn this. Also heaven help any dog when a cat decides to drop on it's back and claw at it's eyes.

Further, besides the bloomng cheek to believe that any one can just open a door and give nieghbours a problem is just that. Cats don't have the right to roam. That is a myth and the owners are RESPONCIBLE for any damage ( Garden / flowers / rhubarb etc. they foul up or etc.) and especially any persons animal / bird they injure or kill!


Where did you get your information from? I was told the opposite when one of my birds was maimed by a neighbours cat

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taser guns help keep cats away  ;D ;D ;D


Roffle. I didn't want to kill the cat, because, despite what she does to scare my birds I do like her.. She's quite pretty, white with tabby splotches and a brown patch.


@Roland: Our German Shepherd plays chase with our Calico, jinkies she's a mean cat. She's ripped at him, and he's barked/bit at her and they taunt each other all day. So, as far as the neighbors cat hurting him, I think Murphy has "trained" enough to know the tricks over five years - though I will be on the look out for that now that you've brought my attention to it.

If anything else occurs, I will bring it up to my neighbors and ask them about trying to do something.


@Bruno: Ah, I misunderstood how you meant. I will look into the fencing idea and run it by my dad the handy man. He helped me think of how to repair and improve the secondhand cages when we first got them.


@Wings: Carpet Gripper... The tacky stuff used to "tape" carpets down? I think they have something similar at my local petstore.. The only problem that would pose is drying out. It's still in the low-nineties, high eighties during the day here. Maybe Flytape.. That seems to last a while - and will cut down on the bees that are after the pollen in the trees maybe...

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I have a ultrasonic cat deterent fitted facing the loft.

It,s not 100%  but I didn't realise just how good it was until I disconnected the power two weeks ago to start work on my new loft.

Since then every time I had my birds out local cats were on the loft watching them in the garden, luckily they were just inquisitive but you cant trust them.

At the time I couldn't understand why this sudden influx of cats, then yesterday it dawned on me that the cat deterrent which had been fixed to the loft all year was now disconnected and useless. I temporarily fixed up a new power supply, result birds out today and no cats to be seen. So now I'm a great fan of them and would recommend them for anybody to try.


Another idea I like.. I'll see if the local hardware/pet store/ tack-feed-supply store has them.. I used to have some of another kind that I made out of crushed peppers and other spicy tasting things, but I left it behind in the move with a friend, to deter her calves from licking rusted pipes when they wanted milk.

Although... Now that I think of it, I have two cats at my house.

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I have a ultrasonic cat deterent fitted facing the loft.

It,s not 100%  but I didn't realise just how good it was until I disconnected the power two weeks ago to start work on my new loft.

Since then every time I had my birds out local cats were on the loft watching them in the garden, luckily they were just inquisitive but you cant trust them.

At the time I couldn't understand why this sudden influx of cats, then yesterday it dawned on me that the cat deterrent which had been fixed to the loft all year was now disconnected and useless. I temporarily fixed up a new power supply, result birds out today and no cats to be seen. So now I'm a great fan of them and would recommend them for anybody to try.



Can you set these to come on at a certain distance - you know like have a permimeter that sets the boundary?


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