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Hmm..  Question and such.

Hamster Girl

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If I am wanting to keep a total of eight - ten Homing pigeons (depending on whether or not I intend to include the First Generation breeding pair) How big a loft should I be having?


Any information that is offered will be a humongous help towards me getting my dad to allow a semi-permanent loft to be constructed in "HIS yard." I was thinking like, either an 8x8 or a 10x10 but that is big, so maybe even a 10x5... But, I need opinions first. And then I can make some rough blue print type sketches. It'll be a blast.


Currently my one set, the 'First Generation' if you will, is in a 3x3x5 until I can manage to convince him they will need more flight room and such.. Especially if I get them into a steady flow of releasing and such for weddings etc. Then they will be making money.. In a sense earning their keep and having a reason for a larger home.


I don't know.. Any ideas are welcome!

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Guest chrisss

i would have thought that a 10x5 would be big enough [depends on the airflow of course,] ask your dad to look on this site sometime he will see what you are trying to do i have been told it works!!!! :D :D :D

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Perhaps perhaps.

Thanks Chrisss! I'll see what my mom and I can dig up - because, fortunately she is with me on this. Just isn't willing to oppose the  'king' of the home.

She agree's they need more space - especially if in addition to my releaser-types I want to get a pair of Magpies to have just for kicks.

So, th etwo of us will put our heads together and figure this one.

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I have 12 breeding pairs and 3 teasers in a 6 x 5. Depends on how the air circulation is dealt with.

As long as it enters the bottom say and hits the back, and goes up through the middle then the air must circulate. Otherwise, regardless what they may well suggest here, or and else where, it can quickly beciome stagnent.

I though will admit I only need one round of yougsters ... If I wanted two then the nest box would be 2 feet deep instead of just the one.

Then I wold slowly bring the nest bowl with youngsters to the fore and slip another nest bowl behind.

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I have 12 breeding pairs and 3 teasers in a 6 x 5. Depends on how the air circulation is dealt with.

As long as it enters the bottom say and hits the back, and goes up through the middle then the air must circulate. Otherwise, regardless what they may well suggest here, or and else where, it can quickly beciome stagnent.

I though will admit I only need one round of yougsters ... If I wanted two then the nest box would be 2 feet deep instead of just the one.

Then I wold slowly bring the nest bowl with youngsters to the fore and slip another nest bowl behind.



Thats a lot of pigeons Roland


Having just got a stock loft -its a 6x4 shed apex roof with a 4x4 aviary attached also with an apex roof- thought it wasn't big enough for 5 pairs, so only have 4 pairs in it

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two women v's one man i think you have won already!!!!!


Hah, I wish. No, he's adamant about it being done right. Since we live in the desert though - I couldn't dream of having enclosing walls on more than two sides because of the heat.. It gets upwards of 110 degrees in the summer. A box would simply roast my birds alive.. So in this I use small-square chicken fencing for the walls. So Ventilation isn't a big worry for me, mostly it's size..

So for eight - ten birds, 10x5 or even 8x5 is acceptable?

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as long as the ventilation is good it shouldn't matter


Realism, and more contented birds.


I have tried to put photo's of my set up onto 'Pigeonbasics' to no avail.

I have some store in Adobe, and what not... can't even seem to be able to send to say 'My Documents'. Yes they do come up on Pigeon basic' when opened... just don't take, so any pointers help in tis regard would be welcomed.

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