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Pigeons killed in allotment fire



Jimmy Stephenson at the remains of his pigeon lofts


« Previous « PreviousNext » Next »View GalleryADVERTISEMENTPublished Date: 01 December 2008




A PIGEON fancier has been left devastated after a suspected arson attack at his cree saw more than 100 of his birds burned alive.


Jimmy Stephenson, who has had pigeons at the allotments in Hawthorn Street, Easington Colliery, for 43 years, discovered the wreckage in the early hours of Sunday morning.


The fire is being treated as a suspected arson attack and police are urging anyone with information to come forward.


Jimmy, 72, of Stewart Street, Easington Colliery, broke down in tears as he spoke about the blaze.


He said: "I have not slept at all overnight.


"I have paid people a lot of money for them – it's thousands – but you cannot put a value on them.


"I just cannot believe someone would do this. How would they like to be in a fire and not able to get out? They're not right in the head."


Allotment holders say this is the third arson attack on the site in a fortnight, with structures containing quails and livestock being destroyed.


Jimmy added: "I was dreading it. Every time I saw the fire engine going past I thought it might be me."


In the latest incident, two fire engines from Peterlee were called to Jimmy's allotment at 12.05am on Sunday.


Eight firefighters battled the blaze for almost three hours, with flames raging about up to 40ft in the air.


Two crees were totally destroyed, killing 102 pigeons and there was also damage to a greenhouse and a polythene structure where Jimmy keeps vegetables.


Jimmy, who has travelled the country racing his birds but more recently had been concentrating on building up a family of Jansen pigeons, said: "That's it for me for me now, I'm finished.


"It would be too expensive to start again, I built those crees myself and I could not even begin to build them again."


Crew manager Mark Garrett, of Peterlee Fire Station, said: "It was well alight, flames were 30ft to 40ft in the air. It was an area of 90ft by 60ft. We could not see anything, the whole structure had gone. It was destroyed and collapsed in on itself.


"We used two jets to put out the fire."


Detective Sergeant Cliff Down, of Peterlee CID, said: "This was a man's life's work and we want anybody with any information to come forward."


Anyone who has any information can call Durham Constabulary on 0345 60 60 365 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.




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Guest strapper

its so easy to get at pigeon fanciers..not saying for one minute this is the reason this is just an example.....

one day you go out on the town , have a few beers fallout with a guy, next thing this guy thinks ...ill have him ...so instead of having it out with you , he goes down to a m8 who has a can of petrol.

next thing the lofts alight and all the birds are gone....this is how easy it is.

a lifetime maybe of top birds down the drain and heart ache for the owner.


disgraceful actions but this is how it can happen.

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It is ad when this happens and not only the poor pigeons that suffer but the devastation caused to a fanciers lifetime of work, the culprits will probably get away with it or get a slap on the wrist if they get caught, it has happened so many times in the past that people just don't care people get up to in case there are any repercussions if they speak up about it.

It happened not that long ago to Boomerang aka Catlae lofts from the site who stays about five miles from us and the culprit is still walking about and causing a nuisance to others  :-/

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I cant imagine how this poor man feels, he must be devastated. Unfortunately it's all part of the sick and twisted society that we live in today. We all have to assume that this poor innocent man is just another victim of such a sick society.


All I can say, and have always advocated is that we all insure our lofts, equipment and birds. I know money will never replace, or can replace, the lifetimes work that this man has put into his birds, but at least he could have had new lofts erected and with the generosity of the pigeon fraternity had birds donated to him, if he felt so inclined.

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Guest puresoontjen

Thats what you call low life liveing any think for a laugh or some think to pass the time of day or night

i had a close call with my birds on tuesday night burglars in my lofts i was gutted over that.

i just can not imagine what a 72years old man is going through by the fire not only birds and lofts hes lost all what he loves doing thats his lifes work gone just for the sake of a laugh or nothing to do only by crushing his dream. i feel gutted for him poor old soul



                                                         whos ever has done this they are SICK

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Guest Freebird

Shocking to say the least. Poor guy, I really feel for him. Sadly the only way to deal with scum is find out who they are and make sure there are no witneses. A wee spell in a smoke and flame filled room might just get through, but I doubt it as they obviously don't do a lot of thinking. Hope this fancier can get over this quickly and it doesn't affect his health.

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who ever did this and gets caught will have an army of do gooders to help the so called low life,,,,the only official help this man will get will be from victims support and thats not worth the paper its wrote on !!!


nows the time fanciers to unite and help fanciers like this to keep in the sport,not to lose them,i feel sorry for this man,i life times work destroyed,if he wants some young birds or cash donations i am more than willing to help,,,,what about the rest of you ?

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who ever did this and gets caught will have an army of do gooders to help the so called low life,,,,the only official help this man will get will be from victims support and thats not worth the paper its wrote on !!!


Yep that is exactly what will happen



nows the time fanciers to unite and help fanciers like this to keep in the sport,not to lose them,i feel sorry for this man,i life times work destroyed,if he wants some young birds or cash donations i am more than willing to help,,,,what about the rest of you ?


I spoke to Webmaster at Sheffield and there is money in the fund to deal with this, on top of that I am sure he will get help with birds and money form a few members on here and other sites, myself included


Although at 72 he may have different ideas on what the future holds for him :(

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Guest puresoontjen
who ever did this and gets caught will have an army of do gooders to help the so called low life,,,,the only official help this man will get will be from victims support and thats not worth the paper its wrote on !!!


nows the time fanciers to unite and help fanciers like this to keep in the sport,not to lose them,i feel sorry for this man,i life times work destroyed,if he wants some young birds or cash donations i am more than willing to help,,,,what about the rest of you ?

any donations i think will help no matter what ,count me in this please i do feel for this man.....


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they should be birched 50 lashes


Got to agree with you on this one Steve, can remember my grandfather telling me he never knew anyone that got the birch "twice" Makes you think how little the punishment fits the crime these days.


My heart goes out to the old guy who must be devastated :'(

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Got to agree with you on this one Steve, can remember my grandfather telling me he never knew anyone that got the birch "twice" Makes you think how little the punishment fits the crime these days.


My heart goes out to the old guy who must be devastated :'(


The good thing about capital punishment was if it was carried out fair and just but sadly it wasn't, it has been replaced by the opposite CP is now PC where it is not whether you deserve it or not but whether we have the right to do it or not.

If you as much as touch someone you can be charged with assault, if you kill someone you have had issues in your like to make you do it :-/ :-/ :-/

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Guest Gareth Rankin

Very sad and a pigeon fanciers worst nightmare. And as many of you have pointed out already we live in a society that protects the guilty with non or little punishment. :( :( :(

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