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mold in the jug that i use to fill my waterer's


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mold in the jug that i use to fill my waterer's




there is mold starting to form in the jug that i use to fill my waterer's. i use a juice jug to mix the meds and vitamins then poor it into my waterer's. i have well water that is un-chlorinated . will the mold hurt them?


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Not a good idea to use a jug with mould on it. In fact it is a very bad idea.

Only use clean drinkers and equipment for food and water.

As a matter of fact that, certain moulds will do your birds real harm. Even kill them. What is the point of giving your birds medication and vitamins to improve their health if you are doing things that will create health problems. Come on now use your common sense. It is not rocket science.

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Not much point in washing out your drinkers if your going to use something the is not washed out to fill them. I give all my drinkers a good wash then pop them into microwave for 30sec as this kills all.

how often do you clean your drinkers out.I leave mine months the algae does the birds no harm  as long as the waters clean builds up the birds immunity aswell. Too sterile enviroment is not good for the birds



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how often do you clean your drinkers out.I leave mine months the algae does the birds no harm  as long as the waters clean builds up the birds immunity aswell. Too sterile enviroment is not good for the birds



How can the birds be drinking clean water if the drinker your puting it into is not clean? If you where handed a drink in a bar and the glass had not been washed for a week would you thank the bar man for helping you build up your immunity?


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well said john and very good helpful advice but they should know this is common sense.... mikey .....dublin , ireland ... get it cleaned lads my water i have purified so there s no even lime in it for the birds !!!!! oops ....

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