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  1. i should ask for my entrance money back.. come to think of it,they got a notice from unikon to update there software and they did not because of the non unikon rings used by members..
  2. faxed the sheets to unikon.. bird entrance report and the race results of my birds and they said that the club needs to up date there software to the new security software.. that would solve the problem with the champ.. __________________ anthonys loft pictures http://www.pigeons.biz/forums/album.php?albumid=663
  3. scanned in my birds at the club last night on the club unit ,went home placed the module in my base unit . birds where released today at noon and my birds came in around 3 ish. looked at the base unit and it read thet they clocked in at 01.00 to 01.25 ..thats 1 in the morning?brought it to the club and it read the same on the club unit?before i took the modular out on my base it was reading the correct time.
  4. mixing NEOX and 1 IN 4 together -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEOX http://www.pigeonplus.ca/Pages/neox2.htm 1 IN 4 http://www.foyspigeonsupplies.com/catalog/6014.html can i mix the 2 together?
  5. mold in the jug that i use to fill my waterer's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- there is mold starting to form in the jug that i use to fill my waterer's. i use a juice jug to mix the meds and vitamins then poor it into my waterer's. i have well water that is un-chlorinated . will the mold hurt them?
  6. Loft Air Deodorizer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAN you recommend a loft DEODORIZER? my loft does not stink but it has a dry crusty oder in it. i was thinking about those glade plug in"s
  7. Thanks. I took to work today and released them (short toss 9 air miles. I think I should stick to that untill race day.
  8. Sevin dust for lice, how to apply -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i have lice on the birds. how do i applicate the seven on the birds?
  9. birds not returning (loosing birds) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- training with a few club members ..few of us drop the birds off in the morning to his house and he takes them out . we are up to 60 miles now.. it seems like a few times not all the birds return . could be hawk hits i was thinking..i have completed 2 100 mile races. with all birds returning.. we are in to two races on 10 so far. i am down to 17 birds to complete the race season. i am getting to the point that if i continue to train i will be down to nothing by seasoned end..
  10. Is a week to soon? I am keeping them hungry and when I whistle they come running for feed. They seem to b e settled in there new loft. Thanks Ant
  11. picked up 13 more ... what is the soonest i can let them out of the setteling cage to rome around the outside of the loft?
  12. QUESTION: mixing young birds with younger birds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i started out with 7 young birds back in April that are now being released about 3 miles out as of last week. last weekend i received 13 more younger birds that are sharing the loft with the birds i got back in April. it is hard to basket up the 7 birds that i have been training so i can toss them. what would u do ?
  13. what timers do u guys use?
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