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Driving Cocks

Diamond dave

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.......what are you lot like - a sensible question and look what happens - In any case he has already trod the hen so the big scantily clad blonde bit aint whats keeping him driving. ;)

The reason for asking is that most of my widohood pairs have reared their youngsters and I want to take the hens away but some are a little more advanced and are driving again. I didn't know if would do any harm or should I let them go down again so he can finish his driving.


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If the youngest of the youngsters are around the 14 day old mark move all of the hens over to the young bird section plus a youngster out of each nest leaving the cocks to rear a single baby. Makes for a more settled loft.

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Is there a big difference between the age of the youngsters? If there's 6 days or less between the oldest and youngest what I would do is remove all the hens together once the youngest in the nest is 14 days old.

Leaving the odd hen is ok but I do like to have the majority of hens away before they start laying again

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Tony. Yes, I've got some that are only 10 days old. The question is do I take the more advanced hens away from the driving cocks or is it a better to let them lay again and take them away after 5 days............What do you think?


I would take them away before they lay.


The reason I do this is because I repair my w/hood team and send them to the first race sitting 8 days. I dont know what you have in mind.

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