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Using Garlic


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garlic will not halm your birds in anyway make mine have it most of the time personally they water with nothing in it atleeast twice a week but for certain garlic and cider viniger will not do the birds any harm frm my experiances and will help them if anything

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  • 3 weeks later...
anybody ever tried the concentrated garlic paste you get in a tube ? just a thought ...would it be as effective ?


I've always steered clear of processed garlic because of the possible effect the processing has had on the active ingredient, alicin, which has a very short life - its measured in hours I think ?


Also feel that if the processed stuff is for cooking, then it is being used to taste the meal rather than for medicinal or therapeutic reasons, as cooking garlic [heat] destroys the alicin.

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do you mean it is heated up during the proccessing of it ?



Yes. I don't know for certain what has been done to it , but as it is intended for human consumption, it seems likely that heat will be used during the processing.



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one whole garlic bulb in the water and just keep topping it up through the winter months. untill the bulb ahs gone all mushy then replace it with another! this is what I have done over the past few years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've seen the threads - but what exactly does the Garlic do for the birds?


I have waterers that are about a cup and a half of liquid - would I just peel a bulb and toss it in?


Any suggestions on what I should do to help them out, as this will be my second time breeding birds, and I want nothing to go wrong {like the first time - female was eggbound and died at some point in the night.  :'(} this time.


Anything would be greatly appreciated - I'm hoping to be able to increase myself to a small flock of white homers to rent out for weddings/birthdays etc for flying and such. :D

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Garlic is a great natural product and in my opinion should always be included in your weekly management,perhaps 2-3 days a week in the drinkers,just peel a clove and pop it in.Garlic aids respiration,blood circulation,lowers the worm count,makes the feathers soft,reduces mucus,deters insect life,is anticeptic,therefore helps fight infections,the list goes on.

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Cup and a half is about 300ml or roughly 7th of size of my 2 litre drinker and I crush half a garlic bulb [5 or 6 cloves] into that.


For your own drinker, I think half of one clove would be enough.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
what exactly does the Garlic do for the birds?


The original threads on garlic were merged into one and you will find 2 longish  articles in it, one a discussion on the use of garlic in pigeons and the other a paper collating all the nasty stuff that garlic has been scientifically proven to 'see off'.


I've now made that thread sticky on Health Board



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Garlic is a great natural product and in my opinion should always be included in your weekly management,perhaps 2-3 days a week in the drinkers,just peel a clove and pop it in.Garlic aids respiration,blood circulation,lowers the worm count,makes the feathers soft,reduces mucus,deters insect life,is anticeptic,therefore helps fight infections,the list goes on.


Probably one of the best products that can be given to the birds and it does so much good  and costs a fraction of many other so called remedies that claim to do the same but cost a fortune .

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