Blue Tooner Posted June 9, 2019 Report Posted June 9, 2019 Peterhead and District Racing Pigeon ClubSecretary: George Taylor, President: Irvine BuchanWorksop on 09/06/2019 at 05:10 hrs11 Members sent 215 Birds. light south west wind Pos Name AFT Clocked Distance Bird Velocity1 J&ADonaldson 06:05:55 11:15:55 290m672y SU18NE1865BPC 1396.6902 GordonFindlay 06:22:11 11:32:12 297m1212y SU16NE5588BPC 1370.8763 GordonFindlay 06:24:28 11:34:29 297m1212y SU17NE2957BLC 1362.7354 SteveGlew 06:16:10 11:26:11 291m453y SU18NE2590CHH 1362.7135 StuartMaskame 06:16:11 11:26:11 290m1432y SU18NE3710DCH 1360.5926 ChrisDonaldson 06:16:06 11:26:07 290m611y SU17NE3555DPC 1358.6957 GordonFindlay 06:25:49 11:35:50 297m1212y SU17NE2998WGC 1357.9678 ChrisDonaldson 06:16:52 11:26:53 290m611y SU18NE1504BLH 1355.9319 ChrisDonaldson 06:16:55 11:26:56 290m611y SU18NE1567CHC 1355.75110 GordonFindlay 06:34:37 11:44:38 297m1212y SU18NE1989BPH 1327.68511 GordonFindlay 06:40:14 11:50:15 297m1212y SU18NE1996BPC 1309.05312 GordonFindlay 06:40:31 11:50:32 297m1212y SU18NE1994BPC 1308.12713 GordonWillox 06:39:45 11:49:46 290m157y SU18NE1766DCH 1277.17814 GeorgeTaylor 06:40:55 11:50:56 290m1224y SU17NE3392BLH 1276.12315 GeorgeTaylor 06:40:57 11:50:58 290m1224y SU16NE5681BLH 1276.01716 GeorgeTaylor 06:40:58 11:50:59 290m1224y SU17NE3307BLH 1275.96417 SteveGlew 06:42:02 11:52:03 291m453y SU18NE2597CHC 1275.03818 StuartMaskame 06:41:27 11:51:27 290m1432y SU17NE2881BLH 1274.95819 GordonWillox 06:40:29 11:50:30 290m157y SU17NE3747MLC 1274.83920 GeorgeTaylor 06:41:37 11:51:38 290m1224y SU16NE5670BLH 1273.89921 ChrisDonaldson 06:41:12 11:51:13 290m611y SU17NE3516DCH 1273.69422 SteveGlew 06:42:28 11:52:29 291m453y SU18NE2600CHH 1273.66623 ChrisDonaldson 06:41:21 11:51:22 290m611y SU18NE1556BLC 1273.21824 ChrisDonaldson 06:41:22 11:51:23 290m611y SU17NE3501DCC 1273.16525 SteveGlew 06:42:45 11:52:46 291m453y SU18NE2581MLC 1272.77026 GeorgeTaylor 06:42:57 11:52:58 290m1224y SU18NE2211CHC 1269.68327 GordonWillox 06:43:24 11:53:25 290m157y SU17NE3175BLH 1265.62228 StuartMaskame 06:45:11 11:55:11 290m1432y SU18NE1705CHH 1263.21129 StuartMaskame 06:46:32 11:56:32 290m1432y SU18NE1714BLC 1259.01630 StuartMaskame 06:47:15 11:57:15 290m1432y SU18NE1601DCC 1256.80031 StuartMaskame 06:48:34 11:58:34 290m1432y SU15NE2546BLC 1252.75032 C&MWilliams 06:46:04 11:56:05 287m92y SU18NE2607CHH 1244.14833 SteveGlew 06:55:40 12:05:41 291m453y SU18NE2585CHC 1233.22034 GordonWillox 06:54:15 12:04:16 290m157y SU18NE1777DCH 1232.47435 GordonWillox 07:10:02 12:20:03 290m157y SU18NE1754CHC 1187.23936 GordonWillox 07:10:08 12:20:09 290m157y SU17NE3773CHH 1186.96337 J&ADonaldson 07:10:42 12:20:42 290m672y SU14NE6030CHH 1186.60838 HerbertMcAllister 07:28:30 12:38:31 296m1744y SU18NE2146CPC 1165.44039 J&ADonaldson 07:36:03 12:46:03 290m672y IHU14S124915BLH 1120.64940 C&MWilliams 07:45:21 12:55:22 287m92y SU18NE2644CHC 1085.65241 HarryHailwood 07:58:29 13:08:29 290m1500y SU18NE2351BLC 1069.83942 HarryHailwood 08:03:40 13:13:40 290m1500y SU18NE2305DCC 1058.37443 HarryHailwood 08:05:54 13:15:54 290m1500y SU18NE2303CHC 1053.50944 J&ADonaldson 08:15:34 13:25:34 290m672y SU16NE5540DCC 1031.28845 J&ADonaldson 09:00:36 14:10:36 290m672y SU18NE1901DCC 945.37946 J&ADonaldson 09:19:37 14:29:37 290m672y SU18NE1856BLH 913.25447 C&MWilliams 09:58:15 15:08:16 287m92y SU181252BLC 844.48048 C&MWilliams 10:13:12 15:23:13 287m92y SU18NE2710CHC 823.89149 HerbertMcAllister 11:29:27 16:39:28 296m1744y SU18NE2135BLC 758.14450 HerbertMcAllister 11:55:03 17:05:04 296m1744y SU18NE2117BWH 731.00251 HerbertMcAllister 12:03:33 17:13:34 296m1744y SU18NE2113CHC 722.41452 HarryHailwood 12:17:15 17:27:15 290m1500y SU18NE2350CHC 694.337 Well done Jim & Ann
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