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Everything posted by MsPigeon

  1. I have been flying a long time and I know it's always been said that widowhood does not take as much training. But I always wondered why???? Can you enlighten us to why it is that natural would require more training and widowhood less??? Yours in the sport. Carol :-/
  2. Thanks Redcheqhen.
  3. For Ivomec injectable for cattle, use 2 drops orally. Only would need to repeat 14 days later if you saw evidence of heavy infestation. To check look on and under the pearches an hour after administering. If they are heavily infested you will see them. I had a bird pass a ball of worms the size of a pigeon egg once. But normally you might see one or two for the whole loft of birds. Then ther is no need to repeat for six months or so. Yours in the sport Carol
  4. I remember reading on here long ago that nest bowl pads were bad news!!! But I don't recall why. I recently heard about a club member losing all his yb's in the nest at 2-3 days old. The parents are fine. The babies are cared for. But he did buy new nest bowl pads this year. I suggested that they were the cause but don't recall why. Can you fellow flyers help me out with the specifics? Thanks Yours in the sport Carol :-/
  5. Roland, I'm with you on torching, I use a propane weed burner and do the floors after cleaning as well. But I can't stress enough BE CARFUL! I am always careful myself, but went back once to find a smoldering wall post. It was only smoking, not yet a flame, but needless to say it sure scared the poop out of me! Carol :-/
  6. I use a spunik trap with two anttena pads under the board on the bottom. I just narrowed the entrance a couple inches on each side to make certain they have to pass over one of the pads. There has on more than one occasion been two clock at exactly the same time. The only time one gets missed clocking is if there are too many going through at once. The thing I like about the sputnik trap is you don't have to train the YB's to it they just pick it up so easily. Yours in the sport. Carol
  7. Awww...Hwww... That must be it! She must vacum I suspect. I thought possibly you had some kind of filtering exhaust ventilation system.
  8. I think it depends on your situation. I worm once or twice a year. But I have a farm, and the pigeons often peck around on the ground and pick them up. Sometimes I see the birds pass a worm, then I know I better worm them all. I have seen birds pass a pigeon egg sized ball of worms before a couple hours after worming. But since I have gotton on a worming schedule for all our animals I've not seen the pigeons pass any. I use Ivomec, individual treatment, 2-3 drops per bird, in the mouth. But I've seen worms building up a tolerance to Ivomec in my goat herd. The new trend is to get away from regular worming, with goats anyway. It is like giving your birds insecticide, so testing first is the best route. You can do a fecal float test by droping poop in sugar solution and see what flaots up. Some worm types require a microscope though. Thats why it was easier just to worm them and be on the safe side. But not best for the birds. Good Luck Carol
  9. I agree! Beautiful birds and nice clean loft! How do you keep it so dust free? Carol
  10. Nice job HEATHLOFTS How many pair are in there? Do they each have a mate? Just curious, do you use nest fronts? or nest bowls? Good Work! Carol
  11. Hi thedubs, The loft setup for each system is a little different. I would suggest you read up a little on each system (lots of info on the net) and see what fits your schedule and your loft. If you haven't built a loft yet then build a loft to suit widowhood cause you can easily adapt the other systems to a widowhood setup without much remodeling. And without a doubt you'll be changing eventually I don't think there any such thing as a pigeon flyer that never changes something.... Good Luck Yours in the sport. Carol
  12. I have found that some years and some times of years are worse than others but there will always be birds of pray lurking around. They seem to figure out any schedule, I think the trick is to not have a schedule. But I have realized there will always be oppotunists around as you say, when you and the birds least expect them. I've gone to just letting my birds out all day everyday and they are smarter and faster for it. Lately we had a redtail trying to get em, they just flew circles around it, playing, and teasing it. It finally just landed on the roof right next to them, tuckered out. I have a friend who also uses decoys, but he uses grazing geese decoys which he moves around the yard daily. They looked pretty cool too, like the real thing, canadian geese. He said they work! He got them from a sporting goods supplier. Here in the states he got them from Cabelas. Good Luck Carol
  13. Welcome Kevin. I'm sure you'll be happy to be back into pigeons and happy with all the nice helpful fanciers on this site. Carol
  14. I am on facebook too. Carol Fitzpatrick
  15. Oh yes, I've seen Pouters at the fair. Very nice photo chickadee. Do you let them out to fly? I keep Frillbacks to show at fair, but I never let them out. I'm not sure they could fly higher than a perch. Thanks Carol
  16. Thats awesome! Good Luck
  17. Good to see your still here slugmonkey... Your location is Kansas? I thought you moved to Florida.
  18. Mine seem to like straw fine, but when I have them I prefer long pine needles. I have to get myself busy and get them collected when the time comes though or I don't have them when I need them. It's funny to watch the birds with straw hay or whatever, some pick through the pile checking out each piece and shaking it and droping it and picking it up again and them carfulling placing it just so in their nest and then when they've gone for another their neighbor come over a steals it. And some of them bring sticks fromm out side in and all sorts of funny things they find. Yours in the sport. Carol
  19. I just read an article in the Pigeon Digest about a winning flyer who NEVER gives his birds a bath! Yours in the sport. Carol
  20. I've never heard pigeons called horsemen before... is that European??? But I get the drift of your question Lawrie. I once gave a pair of pigeons to a friend who wanted to keep them in her hay loft at the barn. We built a 3x3 or so, tall enough to walk in with a door around the window opening. It was great, very easy to clean when you can walk into it. It had a nest box at about eye level and a small landing board outside the window. Best of Luck Carol
  21. Natural is easiest, works for me!
  22. What is a lifetime ring? :-/
  23. I use Foy's Pro Bios and like the job it does. But I also have used other Vita King products so maybe I'll give Vita Pro Combo a try.
  24. ETS is GREAT! Especially for Race Secretaries and those who figure race results. Also great to keep track of how they are training, when no one is there to see, my birds always beat me home. The only complaint I have is the expense of the bands. It's kinda like printer ink... You gotta have em, and they are not cheap. :-/ Yours in the sport, Carol
  25. I think they just have not seen it yet or had the time to get back yet or the PM did not require a reply. I certainly would not take it personally unless they blocked my PM's or told me so. I have not been back here for months... So don't take it personally if I did not reply.
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