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In Egg! (Newbie)

In Egg! (Newbie) (1/8)

  1. Hello all, After getting new loft built etc, I Was promised youngsters (late bred) by a "FRIEND" this year, which i could breed off and race next year as old birds (therefore racing the full programme in 2012). This turned into a web of deceipt after the first 5 youngsters,and not meaning to be short but these are now the only pigeons in my loft, this is my 3rd year and have only flown a couple of young bird races in 2010, i would rather not go into any more details as to the reasons . Is there anyone in the dublin area still breeding youngsters which i could purchase at a reasonable price. Regards The dubs
  2. Thanks for all the replys,there are good points made on both sides, i'm gonna have to seriously think this through !!!
  3. Thanks lads. Ive known this chap for just over a year and we've become good mates. Iwas thinking of maybe saying that we'll give it a trial for the next year and see how it works, and if it doesn't no hard feelings.
  4. Hello all, I would like to see peoples opinions on racing partnerships. As this was my first year racing, i was helping one of the well established members of my club so i could gain a bit of experience and insight into how to breed ,train, race etc. Today he asked me if i would be interested in forming a partnership with him. Obviously this would be a fantastic opportunity for myself as he is consistantly placed in all races. The thing affecting my decision is the fact that- (1) the stock loft will be at my house (no birds circling/dropping in on race day). (2) the set up he has at home is second to none, would i feel like i was just visitor on race day or a glorified skivvy during the week. (3) would this partnership be as equal as said, 50/50 all the way, or is it a thing that he wants to use myloft to free up some space in his. What are peoples thoughts or experiences of partnerships, Thanks in advance
  5. Yeah your both right i should have left well alone but got carried away wanting things looking right, i moved the bowl back to the floor this morning and their sitting it straight away, so heres hoping
  6. Hello all, just a quick question, i put in some new nest boxes last week,yesterday evening i moved a nest bowl with 2 eggs from the floor to the boxes, these eggs were due to hatch on monday coming. This morning when i went in one of the eggs was smashed and the other was cold meaning neither cock or hen sat them over night (they were quite happy when i left them). Will the remaining egg hatch after not being incubated for approx 12 hrs Thanks
  7. Hello mate, what sizes are they and can you post any pics, Thanks
  8. Please excuse my ignorance, but could someone explain to me the difference between widowhood and natural. Which system would be easier for a novice to manage. Any info would be much apprecited, thanks in advance. I would ask the fancier I got the birds off, but i don't want him to think im a complete eejit !!
  9. Thanks all for the replies and welcomes. blaz thanks for posting the pictures its a real help to be able to see a small loft and how its fit out etc. Kevin b ive sent you a pm Thanks
  10. Hello all, Im from dublin and getting back into pigeons after a good few years(about15). I am thinking of converting my old 8"X6" barna shed into a loft just to get started again, and maybe next year get a larger loft built. I just have a few questions for now (but plenty more to come !) How many birds could be kept in a loft this size? Have any winners ever come from a small loft ? Is it too small to split into cock/hen sections ? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Is mise Stephen
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