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the pigeon_milker

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Everything posted by the pigeon_milker

  1. look out for them in the morning but we lost 5 in one go last year coz young birds are a bit daft saying that some of the others went out for two days then come back and they are good now good luck with then any how
  2. try baking powder in warm water that good for stains
  3. just because some are not trust worthy dosent mean they are all like that and i have no resson to defend any of them you will alway get some bad apples in every barrel
  4. where are new loft is there are a lot of rats about so what i intend to do is trap as many as i can then i getting a ferret that will live near the loft in the hope the smell will keep them away and if i can get a very small gill i send it down there holes
  5. thanks for all ya input it all helps i will let ya all know how its getting on in a few days peckedhen i near manchester
  6. it not 2 bad or i will of put it down,, it is already in pain yes it will be but i not putting it down unless it gets any worse or starts getting ill, but will help it in anyway i can i put cream on its legs but it not breathing right coz of the smoke and it stressed out what can do for stress and its breathing
  7. one of are pigeons fell down next doors chimney and they have a open fire wich was burning great they heard something the next min are pigeon came out on fire giving they all quite a shock it seems to be ok tho very stressed if feet are burnt a bit and it looks like its panting because of the smoke it happend two days ago and it looks ok does anyone have advise for treating its condision what mite help its breaving poor little needs help
  8. you might get 25 birds in it but they wouldnt like it very much and them wooden legs look like they about to snap and from that hight it is gonna be bad saying that i bet theres worse ones
  9. nice dogs M8 same about you pet rabbit getting run over like that :)all three of em are mad uns
  10. Penky's Breakfast Show lol hope ya win all them votes should help
  11. if ya get caught doing that you will proberly end up in jail who would feed & race the pigeons then not very good advice at all
  12. females are inportant to the hole balance of things but a lot of them don't like things that flap around and poo all over the place so my x said
  13. sad to hear about that m8 all the best
  14. the pigeon_milker


    try and trap one then ya know if it rats and not mink or somthing rats don't need a big hole and mink wont eat peas you need to know whats doing it first then deal with them most prob is rats but make sure first i think trapping is better you don't want a dead rat rotting near by just my opinion
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