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davie gullane

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Everything posted by davie gullane

  1. Not to good at the clocks birds working in all day and some this morning
  2. 6 members sent 234 birds to Newark liberated at 10:30 ME wind 1 G MacKenzie. 1275.345 2 G MacKenzie. 1268.307 3 G MacKenzie 1256.192 4 J McNeill. 1254.569 5 J McNeill 1229.779 6 J McNeill. 1229.379 7 G MacKenzie. 1223.343 8 J McNeill. 1221.355 9 J Ferguson. 1219.753 10 J Ferguson. 1205.445 Other time ins John Muir 1191.843 P Rafferty and sons 1104.703 Steven & Gullane last again Well done Gordon. John won the Fivers
  3. 7 members sent 285 birds to Wakefield 1 G MacKenzie. 1551.641 2 G MacKenzie 1534.769 3 G MacKenzie 1528.850 4 G MacKenzie 1528.223 5 P Rafferty and sons. 1521.379 6 J McNeill. 1513.610 7 J Ferguson. 1502.353 8 J Ferguson. 1501.508 9 J McNeill 1500.955 10 P Rafferty and sons. 1497.846 Other time ins. J Muir 1490. Steven & Gullane 1386. D Renwick 1297. Well done Gordon and he also won the Fivers
  5. Picked up from Mrs Walton today at Bishop Auckland stray centre su17 4616 check SU17f4934 check Su17L16029 check GB17S03542 SU17AF2173 SU17F5169 SU15NW2710 GB16C33955 SU17NE4904 SU17L13911 SU17A1870 SU17L2569 READY FOR COLLECTION PHONE 07515461174 if not will report through SHU
  6. 7 members sent 312 birds to Ripon birds liberated at 09.30 LIGHT E N E wind 1 J Ferguson. 1441.283 2 G MacKenzie. 1419.911 3 J Ferguson. 1416.089 4 G MacKenzie. 1416.034 5 G MacKenzie. 1413.204 6 J McNeill. 1401.040 7 J McNeill. 1400.914 8 J McNeill. 1400.788 9 J McNeill. 1400.034 10 G MacKenzie. 1398.973 Other time ins P Rafferty and sons.1395.837 j Muir 1370.555 Well done Hamish. Gordon won the Fivers
  7. 7 members sent 280 birds to Ripon up at 07:30 light S wind 1 J McNeill. 1445.284 2 J McNeill. 1443.680 3 P Rafferty and sons. 1442.348 4 J Ferguson. 1424.345 5 J Ferguson. 1420.721 6 G MacKenzie. 1417.066 7 J McNeill. 1413.859 8 J McNeill. 1411.941 9 G MacKenzie. 1408.454 10 J McNeill. 1408.246 Other time ins John Muir 1388.803 Steven & Gullane 1284.151 Well done John. Melvin Noble of Newbridge club won the Fivers well done Mel
  8. Broxburn & Uphall 7 members sent 280 birds to Colin
  9. I have NWHU17 R9214 it was given to me today it's well down but ok
  10. Broxburn & Uphall 7 members sent 259 birds to Towlaw NE wind 1 J McNeill. 1421.817 2 J McNeill 1419.796 3 J McNeill 1414.860 4 J McNeill. 1414.677 5 J McNeill. 1412.858 6 G MacKenzie. 1410.767 7 G MacKenzie. 1410.585 8 G MacKenzie. 1408.948 9 J Ferguson. 1407.847 10 J Ferguson 1407.667 11 J Ferguson. 1406.769 12 J Ferguson. 1406.589 13 J McNeill 1402.785 14 G MacKenzie. 1398.493 15 P Rafferty & sons. 1397.971 16 P Rafferty & sons 1395.844 17 P Rafferty & sons 1395.490 18 j Muir 1392.443 19 Steven & Gullane 1356.115 29 D Renwick. 1099.554 Well done John. Gordon won the Fivers
  11. Central Fed along with Midland up 11:40 NE wind Towlaw
  12. 7 members sent 230 birds to Otterburn liberated at 09:20 into a light SW wind 1 J McNeill 1520.265 2 J McNeill. 1518.742 3 J McNeill 1516.615 4 J Muir. 1512.598 5 J McNeill. 1512.007 6 P Rafferty & sons 1510.644 7 P Rafferty & sons. 1510.344 8 P Rafferty & sons 1505.559 9 P Rafferty & sons. 1503.773 10 Steven & Gullane 1501.841 11 J McNeill. 1499.810 12 G MacKenzie 1499.294 13 J McNeill. 1498.920 14 G MacKenzie. 1496.606 15 J Ferguson. 1492.024 16 J Ferguson. 1488.527 17 J Ferguson. 1486.785 18 G MacKenzie. 1479.516 Well done John . P Rafferty & sons won the Fivers. Good race with good returns
  13. Central Fed up 09:20 l s w wind otterburn
  14. Broxburn & Uphall pc 7 sent 230 birds to otterburn
  15. It was suggested by the president that we give something back to the members
  16. The SHU Committee are voted on each year if you want to be a committee member who will turn up to all the meetings and be part of the SHU willing to represent your federation please put your name forward I will personally propose you at the meeting and I'm sure you will get seconded. I have seen many people getting voted on to the committee and don't come to the meetings. I don't consider myself as a nodding dog get yourself on the committee and see for your self
  17. Thanks will phone Secretary's when I get time
  18. Thanks the L 6539 is a 15 pigeon not a y/ b my mistake
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