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Everything posted by peter2010

  1. Can see where you are coming from if they were Togo later as it would let you get your full beauty sleep as your 1 ugly *expletive removed* and need it lol great race again no excuses Parker
  2. It means they follow the good doos home then break for home
  3. Sure but wasn't with other doos
  4. Also a pillar of the community
  5. Well done tucker Murray ur a clown !
  6. Why u askin for names your in the half that dont go
  7. On the west sheep r reared for the food chain up in abeeeerdeen there reared for pleasure so keep yer babies for urselfs and keep bottle merchant McInnes as well WATP
  8. How much for " Eurocentral diamond " if for sale or is that 1 ur keeping ?????
  9. If Scotland do qualify for this tourney hope your no thinking about going you'll have nae dos left when you come back or you could just give them a open hole as there is plenty up there wher u bide
  10. Think the invisibles will need to hold an inquest into themselves after that lol also can't even control the fans disgrace!
  11. Away at 8 no wind
  12. My birds have never told where they like or dislike danny you sure its not parrots you have and if I'm right please don't learn them to talk sh** like you
  13. Your such a vast wealth of knowledge danny just shame you dont go to more races other than the eurocentral open race also if anybody puts west racepoints foward at the agm ill let u know their names as i know you dont go
  14. Does anybody race these in scotland page8 this weeks bhw
  15. Thats some stutter youve got stirling
  16. Very good i pay money and Im entitled to my opinion so go away and attend to your flock or just get your head down in sheeping bag if you cant have a educated reply
  17. Did anybody else pick up on the paragraph telling the members why commitee of the snfc r committed to wicker baskets on the advice of the vet that attended the incident at newhouse what gets me is how can they say this or use a statment like about baskets as this vet was there to inspect birds which were ment or have drunk something other than water but the vet also went out their way to give the snfc a run down on wicker baskets and tell the snfc they should commit to them . Can someone tell why the vet came to this conclusion ie through experience or books as i would be interested
  18. U must get a kick out of putting posts on here after its has happened if you were that good why did you not say anything before ?? And also if you have half a brain you would know lanarkshires ybs wouldnt be running through that side of the hills in a strong west wind . Just gutted for all the fanciers who r racing as no1 deserves what is happening as if it doesnt get any better we will just be showing pigeons
  19. Can see where your coming from mr e but i think what tam is touchin on about racin our ybs with our obs is the way to go even if it ment racing from the 1 place for example say the last 5 weeks of the ob season we go to a good race point (50mls) on a wednesday we can have our yb race and sent our obs for training at the sametime i know it will not suit everyone but the way things r going just now surely it must be better than what we r experiencing just now and also what would b a positive is when we finish racing you would have all these percys flying round trying to train there youngones with no liberties to take so they would need to look for an other food source and hopefully other people other than fancy become aware how bad it is this is only my opinion as i honestly dont think there is long left atb
  20. peter2010


    Triedto pm u i can meet u and bring to motherwell if u want
  21. Bird is in blantyre contact 07527757691
  22. In motherwell its a youngbird with an old ring on anybody got a contact thanks
  23. peter2010


    Hows your returns geo?????
  24. Am no the boss just stop tryin 2 be a smart ass dafty
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