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Everything posted by milecrosslofts

  1. just checked the weather for saturday said its going to be a WNW. wind but could all change by saturday lol
  2. Buckingham for us about 125 mile to me /central york fed, mark
  3. anyone know how far that is from selby ?
  4. yeah that would be the best way to do it then he will be to interested in chaseing his hen around to bother about the rest.
  5. no probs its a pleasure to help a fellow pigeon fancier.
  6. gangster / mick/ came to mine and got the fantails for peckedhen he is a very nice chap pleased to meet you at long last mick. mark
  7. i look out for you in the morning mate, dont come round the back my dogs may take ya legs of lol
  8. gangster i hope you got the boxes for the birds as i am giveing peckerdhen 5 birds mark
  9. i tried to send you a pm but it came back saying that you not recieving any pms, i not putting my adress or phone number on the forum, mark
  10. tuesday morning is brill pm me the time you going to be here and i have the bird ready to go thanks for that mate
  11. the fantail is comeing from me mate but i cant do a saturday. i had a stroke 13 months ago and saturdays is my relaxe day lay in . then i get up ready for my birds to come home and all the other relaxeing things a saturday brings,my wife and kids and i have promissed to never brake this and we sticking to it, so any other day sunday to friday is ok just not a saturday please mate.
  12. correct me if i am wrong but a vet told me years ago that if a bird twists its neck round its new castle desease. may be the vet was wrong but i would get that checked to .
  13. hi i lost this bird in a race on the 18th april 2009 GB06K06906 if anyone gets him in i would be gratefull if you could pm me on this site i realy would like this bird back he a bit of a favourite of the family. cheers mark
  14. milecrosslofts


    hi guys anyone know of a black tippler cock bird that they could let my young lad have he lost his and his little hen needs a mate lol
  15. thanks to you guys you been a big help you are how all fanceirs should be
  16. lol well as form a yb he always has been slow and he never has made it home on the day even tho he is as fit as any other bird in the loft. so every race i think well this is his last lol, but to see him get back on the day and still full of life was a grate feeling maybe he on the up lol.
  17. i sent my birds to race this week and amonst them was a 2008 mealy cock i didnt think i would see him again, well as the day went by my birds returning one by one, well just as i thought that was it all the birds that are going to make it are here on the loft came that 2008 mealy cock that i didnt think i would ever see again. that put a smile on my face and gave me such a happy and warm feeling i thought to myself thats what racing is all about it dont matter if you win or lose if you get get that feeling thats what racing pigeons is all about i won today in every way, mark
  18. race results for the unicorn flying club selby North yorkshire 1st p foulger 2nd D schofield 3rd mr & mrs coppin 4th N kirk 5th N kirk 6th N kirk 7th N kirk 8th N kirk 8th N kirk 9th N kirk 10th mr & mrs coppin
  19. i will put ours on from this week if thats ok our results will be a week behind as we dont get our result sheets untill the week after
  20. i tried the ets but didnt injoy my racing anymore so i sold it and gone back to my t3 we all useing t3 in my club so as long as it stay that way i be happy but if it go the other way and they all go ets then i will have to use it but with the members we got i dont think it will go ets we had our t3 s converted to thimbless, mark
  21. i fly with the unicorn fc in selby north yorkshire we are at stoneleigh this week 102 miles to me , good luck all
  22. good idea as long as it dont atrack guys like coxy REMEMBER HIM .mmmmmmmmmm
  23. lol i agree been here meny times before human nature comes to mind lol, but yep i agree life is to short lets try and get along guys
  24. i agree i sent for a bird twice in the same year, the next year it was the best bird in the loft lol crazy things are our pigeons lol
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