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Everything posted by milecrosslofts

  1. the unicorn fc selby fed race from fareham is basketing saturady for a sunday lib do to bad weather saturday, good luck guys
  2. yeah one of her channel birds i think lol
  3. anyone know whos bird this is just came in today,lol,
  4. with all the different advise that i have been given on here and other forums and friends think its best to work it out for myself it gets to confuseing otherwise lol but its grate to have all the advise from you guys you all know what you on about thats for sure but i getting confused now .well that dont take much lol, any how i work it out . thanks for all your help once again keep up the good work cheers mark
  5. some people have said gaby is good
  6. lol ok wise guy what starin of racing pigeon lol
  7. im looking to get some sprint pigeons what do you think is the best breed to get ? mark
  8. THANK YOU ALL. well i just wanted to say a very big thank you to all you guys who replied to my thread /not looking good/ thank you all so much for your help and advice i learnt alot by this today and you are all a credit to the pigeon world and this forum well done and thank you. mark milecrosslofts
  9. thanks roland and all you others who sent me pms and all others on here for your hepl and advise i learnt alot today thank you all for being a real help
  10. milecrosslofts


    is that your loft . i live in that lol
  11. so when do you put the card board box in? on basketing day just before basketing .?
  12. yep sure going to do that lots of people has told me the same thing cheers for that mark
  13. lol i behind times here what do a cardboard with a hole in ir tell you. ? and thanks lads for the advise all been taken in and noted thanks for all your help.
  14. they bouncing around like goodens now maybe they like me hate first thing of a morning lol,they on widdowhood system, so you say keep them on widdowhood feed all the time ?
  15. anyhow i got to go now and see to the birds any advise would be grate cheers mark
  16. i flag them for a hour. but i been told i feeding them to much widdowhood feed. i was keeping them on it all week i have just been told by a mate to brake the feed down from sunday to wenesday then back on widdowhhood.
  17. no wet droppings or green droppings all normal that way just tired i think lol
  18. think they tired mate as i said above been doing to much and pushing them to do to much think i rest them up for a bit and if i have to miss out on channel this year the so be it
  19. well i think i may have worn them out they looking nacked.i been flying them round the loftt for a hour every day with a 25 mile training toss every day.they been full of energy flying like mad things all week now i think they to nacked to race
  20. hi guys we got a race to the south coast this week 206 miles to me. my birds are not looking rite so im thinking of holding them back this week and keep them at home do you all agree thats the right thing to do,? the following week we back at newbury 166 miles to me if they ok then i send then the week after we a falaise france 325 miles to me do you think if i miss this weeks they will be ok for falaise. mark
  21. nice to see the logans still working well
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