greenfingerz Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 HI can any one give me some advise i fly on a kirklees council ALLOTMENT and iv got a letter to day saying i have got 28 day to move my RACE team ybs and stock. thay say i can just keep 6 hens / pigs/ bees/ and rabbets thats all do u no enythink were i can get around it and keep them there .
OLDYELLOW Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 say your breeding and be cruel to kill them and have to wait to finish there ybs off ask them if theres a pigeon allotment in the area had a similar problem when was on a bit of private land , any chance of having them at home or going into a partnership ?
BLACK W F Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 go see your local counceller tell him /her your problem as they racing pigeons ect i had the same problem many years ago when i tried to speak to council just basacally got told to move went to my counceller problem solved i still had to move my birds but not straight away and he also got me a plot that was superb try it may be it will work
Guest numpty01 Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 if you have had birds there a long time they will have trouble inforceing you to get rid of any birds unless youer over top with lofts everywere and hundreds birds
jimmy_bulger Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 ask council for a copy of their policy on racing pigeons then read it all. if they dont have a policy on racing pigeons then you will be able to fight it probably. jimmy
OLDYELLOW Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 seems someones complained and this is the councils answer , there must be a useage of land with the council and perhaps pigeons are prohibited , but like Alan says ring up the council gather the facts use newspapers ectra appeal for private land to rent ectra or even ask for a suitable allotment from the council ectra
Guest Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 I would have thought that if they allow other livestock, they are going to have a job justifying their request to have you move your birds, unless of course you have, as has already been mentioned, got it full of lofts and hundreds of pigeons. Also if they have been there for a number of years, you can fight your case, as it seems it is probably as a result of the council receiving a complaint from another allotment holder, who will have to justify himself.
greenfingerz Posted June 17, 2009 Author Report Posted June 17, 2009 thank will there as been racing pigeons on that land for 50 odd year but the council nocked most off the houses down and solt the land . naw thay have billded privet homes on the land
BLACK W F Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 i will pm you with the details how i solved mine with council it not half drove the head honcho off his heed
Guest numpty01 Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 check to make sure there is not planning application on the land were loft is the councle like to keep things quite and get peaple to move themselfs then they dont pay compo or get problems
pigeonpete Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 sorry to hear of your problem, hope you find a solution! What reason have they gave? have you fell out with someone? as it appears someone must have complained. Is there just you with pigeons on there?
greenfingerz Posted June 17, 2009 Author Report Posted June 17, 2009 in harf ov a mile off my loft there are 10 racing lofts 3 r in council allotments but thay aer saying to me that thay dont have them for pigeons
swilcox Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 Mate if you need help on this contact Arnie Tonks from the West Midlands, im sure someone on here will help with his number, he had a similiar problem when he erected his loft, he used the animal welfare regs to good use and managed to prove that it would be cruel to relocate the birds. Im sure he will help you. Stuart
Guest Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 in harf ov a mile off my loft there are 10 racing lofts 3 r in council allotments but thay aer saying to me that thay dont have them for pigeons But they have them for chickens, pigs and rabbits, bl00dy hypocrites thats all I can say.
pigeonpete Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 in harf ov a mile off my loft there are 10 racing lofts 3 r in council allotments but thay aer saying to me that thay dont have them for pigeons Seems a bit strange? do you grow anything on your allotment? as i know of 1 allotment site around here that states a certain percentage of the plot has to be worked for its intended!
pjc Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 was there not a case last year where the council just went and removed/killed birds?
greenfingerz Posted June 17, 2009 Author Report Posted June 17, 2009 no mate i think it is the land develper that as sed somethink to the kirklees thay have bullt 20f a way from my lofts there is 3 over lofts on the same street by my allotments
Guest Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 Go get six pigs or six rabbits, let them have the run of the place, you'll see that the sh** who reported you will swiftly change their mind and beg the council to let you stay with ALL your birds. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Guest Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 in harf ov a mile off my loft there are 10 racing lofts 3 r in council allotments but thay aer saying to me that thay dont have them for pigeons Sounds like good advice from Stuart Wilcox. Have a look at your agreement with the council, that will be the key, in the document you signed agreeing to rent the allotment will be the details of whta you can not do, i.e. is there a provision that specifies you can not keep livestock or a specific one regarding pigeons. Just down the road at Barnsley there are loads of pigeons on allotments, Roy Smith and Wayne Duffy's dad are just two in the Darton area. I think you'll find in your area, not sure which part of Kirklees you are, Hudds or Dewsbury end, there will be people who have kept chickens on allotments for years, would be worth trying to identify these? The Arnie Tonks solution sounds very interesting though and it would be good if it became general knowledge what 'tactics' he used. Good luck!
Guest Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 in harf ov a mile off my loft there are 10 racing lofts 3 r in council allotments but thay aer saying to me that thay dont have them for pigeons Is this in the Kirklees area? If it is you have a damned good case, find out how long they have been there, the history; if there are any complaints, what the other allotment holders have to say (positive) about them. And have a look at the contract they have signed, see if it's any different. If you do not have a copy right to Kirklees and ask them for same, and then as suggested earlier, if you are being treated differently by the same council go to your local councillors.
OLDYELLOW Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 thank will there as been racing pigeons on that land for 50 odd year but the council nocked most off the houses down and solt the land . naw thay have billded privet homes on the land think you have a good case to fight take it to citizens advice bureau , local mp and papers and ask what council is offering after 50 years of having pigeons on the allotments
frank-123 Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 seems this is where our governing bodies should have someone on board who has the know how to deal with councils or local authorities or they might already have someone i would contact the rpra and ask for help
greenfingerz Posted June 17, 2009 Author Report Posted June 17, 2009 i rang the council and thay sed i can have them on the land till end off yb race is over so that will give me some time
Guest WINGS 04 Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 i rang the council and thay sed i can have them on the land till end off yb race is over so that will give me some time that ok for them to say this but don't let this go as they will be back get as much help as you can and get back to the council they have sold the kland and trying to get you to move but you have rights to
Guest strapper Posted June 17, 2009 Report Posted June 17, 2009 i know of a similar thing as this m8 had animals and the council had a complaint from a neighbour...they said that he had to remove certain avaries..but could keep some..he asked why some and they said that they had been there for 4years or more and that is the rule they go other words if lofts are there for 4years or more and no one has complained there you have a case....but councils differ.
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