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Fif Fed Resignation Notification

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I have resigned as Junior Vice president of Fife Federation as of now.




As an elected official, I consider my position untenable because we (Fife federation Management Team are not communicating effectively) Decisions are being made and taken and often I know nothing of them. I will not take responsibility for decisions I am not part of.




Lets be clear there would have been no meeting today (11th of February) if I had not appealed to the SHU against the illegal decisions by Fife Federation at the AGM.  My word and judgement seem to count for nothing and having to always run to the SHU to make sure the rules are properly applied and members get democracy is not how I want to work. Nor how a good sporting organisation should be run.




Perhaps someone else can take the position in Fife Federation whom can have a more effective relationship and be kept involved the decision making process




Much damage has been done to our fed in the last few weeks …that I still believe could have been averted. I wish the Fed well in its endeavours in the future and hope it can halt its decline. There are many honest, hardworking members in the Federation and I wish them all the best and thank them for their support.




Norma Graham


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Well a wee bit late into this thread, and sorry for that.


Norma, I hope you will consider standing for President at next AGM.


Your actions in my opinion, show that you can be trusted  to do the right thing in the right place, even if it means putting yourself in the firing line.


The suggestion that the previous decision could have caused further loss of members seems to have been spot on, judging by the advert for a new club in the rpra fed, in the BHW. Maybe having the decision reversed will stop that loss.

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