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Guest geordiejen

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never fed it out of the breeding season but sure saw a difference in the youngsters coming out the nest when parents were fed it every day bigger more robust and seemed to be very healthy, Always kept the youngsters on it through out the season jmo good luck sure you will see a difference.

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I use it all the time, does make a difference on the looks, also if used while feeding youngsters you will see the difference, dont feed too much if you see droppings coloured red you are over doing it, just mix a small amount I use a level table spoon mixed in a feed, first feed of the day,

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Guest geordiejen

birds are taking to it now.will see how things go with it the squeekers seem to be more content,chirpy and aware.seems some birds are eating it all whilst some other havent got round to trying it yet.

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never used it and will put my youngsters beside anyones and they wont see any difference in size or looks my youngsters are all healthy looking plump birds and the parents are only fed clean food and water minerals and grit, but each to their own

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never used it and will put my youngsters beside anyones and they wont see any difference in size or looks my youngsters are all healthy looking plump birds and the parents are only fed clean food and water minerals and grit, but each to their own

Many roads lead to Rome my friend as they say

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Guest chad3646

never used it and will put my youngsters beside anyones and they wont see any difference in size or looks my youngsters are all healthy looking plump birds and the parents are only fed clean food and water minerals and grit, but each to their own



spot on johnc let them feed all those fancy mixtures and potions all good doo men know they wont make them fly any faster , in any given loft it will be the same 3 to 4 doos they will get every weak by feeding the same mixture, so what is happening to the rest of there pigeons performences'


simple there not good enough

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Geordiejen after a couple of days they will start taking it. If it's the first time the doos have had it they will find it strange but will eat it eventually. Just remember no to give them too much.


Hi may i ask wat happens if give them too much. cheers

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