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Blue Peas


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Some say green peas are the best legume fanciers can give their pigeons :)

All peas legumes and pulses are around the same nutritional value however its the shells that are toxic on tics and maples , i like to mix maples and green peas 2 maples to one green pea if i give anymore green pea they tend to leave it and price wise same price :)

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I'll sound like a little bit of a square tit in this post but heres an extract on green peas from the writings of Arie van den Hoek,the famous dutch pigeon journailst.


"With the geen pea the pigeon fancier is supplying the troughs of his birds with the best legume.They contain less protein and minerals than beans,but still have more than enough.The high nutritive value is mainly due to the ample content of B and E vitamins,and vitamin forming substances such as provitamin A:carotin"

he goes onto say if they are abscent in your mixture add some yourself and the doos eat them happily as they are easily digested.


Its all just theories and opinions at the end of the day.they'll be many many a top flier whos birds have never seen a green pea in their lives :lol:

Best thing I've read about feeding was from Ad Schaerlaeckens.He advised new starts not to get too carried away or bogged down with feeding.He said if you visit the ten best lofts in your country no two of them will feed the same :)

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I'll sound like a little bit of a square tit in this post but heres an extract on green peas from the writings of Arie van den Hoek,thw famous dutch pigeon journailst.


"With th geen pea the pigeon fancier is supplying the troughs of his birds with the best legume.They contain less protein and minerals than beans,but still have more than enough.The high nitritive value is mainly due to the ample content of B and E vitamins,and vitamin forming substances such as provitamin A:carotin"

he goes onto say if they are abscent in your mixture add some yourself and the doos eat them happily as they are easily digested.


Its all just theories and opinions at the end of the day.they'll be many many a top flier whos birds have never seen a green pea in their lives :lol:

i have fed green peas for many years i find if feed more green peas they'll leave them if the birds would eat more peas id feed them , i think my birds know best and i try to give them a good mix , i find white peas get waisted also the blue peas if i feed tic beans these also get waisted and havent fed them in years nor will you see them in versa laga mixes , so my mix is based on what my birds prefer :)

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I based my last reply on my experience with my birds on Buckton's breeding mix which contains amongst other things beans, maples, tares, blue, white & green peas and maize. They simply would not eat them, and they also threw the maize. I believe the reason was percentages in the mix were wrong coupled with a dislike of some of the stuff in it. I now feed my own mix containing beans, maples, tares & maize, and they polish off the lot.

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After reading an article on maples in the RP.some time ago by Dr. Gordon Chalmers I fed blue peas instead of maples when breeding and weaning also while the young were on darknes and had no problems.

Dr. Chalmers suggests that the toxins in maple skins are on the severe side for want of a better word,and said that blue peas were better,who am I to contradict.

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After reading an article on maples in the RP.some time ago by Dr. Gordon Chalmers I fed blue peas instead of maples when breeding and weaning also while the young were on darknes and had no problems.

Dr. Chalmers suggests that the toxins in maple skins are on the severe side for want of a better word,and said that blue peas were better,who am I to contradict.

same or similar article on here :)

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After reading an article on maples in the RP.some time ago by Dr. Gordon Chalmers I fed blue peas instead of maples when breeding and weaning also while the young were on darknes and had no problems.

Dr. Chalmers suggests that the toxins in maple skins are on the severe side for want of a better word,and said that blue peas were better,who am I to contradict.


Didn't he say don't feed too many maples because a nutritionist friend had told him they contained a substance that disrupts digestion? I'm sure he's written a number of articles on feeding, in which he includes 'some' maples, and I think he also expanded on his first warning on maples, but can't recall where?

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Didn't he say don't feed too many maples because a nutritionist friend had told him they contained a substance that disrupts digestion? I'm sure he's written a number of articles on feeding, in which he includes 'some' maples, and I think he also expanded on his first warning on maples, but can't recall where?

He's wrote that many article sometimes my head spins keeping up with them.







Some Dietary Considerations in Pigeon Racing 1-22 pages is good reading it's pity the last 10 pages are missing.



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