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theres no draft in the loft believe me ventilation yes draughts none


no just the standard Sue Fronts localy sourced ;)

Guest joshdonlan

The boxes look good Mark. I think the idea of turning them around 90^o is good if you have liitle space.


and the other reason is can get 6 cocks at top ,  pigeons dont like the bottom boxes so as well as saving my back im actualy making them happier ;)


not if you put privacy covers over during week


8) 8)what are privacy covers i yhink i now what yu are goin 2 do iv they are widow boxes are yu goin 2 keep the hen in one side cover them up so when the cocks go out in the morning and nite yu let the hens out ov boxes 4 food and drink and then 10 minz before yu get the cocks in you loke hens up and do yu cover the box up so the cocks dont see them am i right. 8)


privacy covers are a piece of plastic that clip over the fronts this will stop the flytes from getting snapped like a traditional style widowhood box , but the hens will have there own section as they wouldnt be keen enough as would constantly know there cock was so close


Lood good Oldfellow, how deep are your loft sections as in most lofts it would cut the section depth down to much?




the section is 8 ft x 6 ft so theres a 4ft x 8ft floor space left more than enough and i can stretch my arm out from front wall and not quite touch  boxes but very managable


plenty of room, suprised they are only 2' deep though as that only gives the pair 12"x14" when shut in doesn't it where as a norm widowhood box would give them 14"x30"?


normal box 28 x 14  mine are 2 ft x 14 plenty of room  when shut in together , have blocks to go on front yet ;) but am going to see if workable without first

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