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Young Birds

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Guest pigeon82

week or two from when they first start flipping about but yeah young birds do strange things my birds are well trained but there was a couple sat on my friends house 3 miles away with his birds when he got his in he lobbed a mop to scare mine and vice versa if i have young ones here that messing about ill get mine in then chuck ball to scare them off but if they hang about i get em in and report them just go from there then they may of got mixed up with other fanciers birds it happens but they come back usually

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youll have to be looking at homers odysey in bhw to see our results pal in rainy northern ireland and very windy at the moment but we have a super club and lots of banter goes on all the time its great laugh where abouts do you race do u race south or north pal


so you must be in the north of ireland alan darragh country,i got a doo in last year from southern ireland(limerick) it belonged to a guy called michael slattery do you know the name,they never contacted me to let me know if the bird arrived or not,we race race down the east side of the country,i know you's have hard racing into ireland they have to be decent birds to make home over there.

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Guest pigeon82

well in not quite in the south right on border and i wud say probably about 70 or 80 miles west of alan darragh pal sorry i only started birds over here last year originally from south west england cornwall thats where my old man flies to but is very tough area around here apparently we live in one of the hardest areas to get birds back if pigeon comes in our area very unlikely will get back out due to the fact that we are surrounded by hills one way in one way out valley lol but birds from our area very strong competition around here

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Another question I've been giving the birds a wee teespoon each first thing in the morning then once they have had there exercise and when they come in I'm just fulling the feeder and letting them eat as much as they like then taking it away once they have all moved away from the feeder is this wrong

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Another question I've been giving the birds a wee teespoon each first thing in the morning then once they have had there exercise and when they come in I'm just fulling the feeder and letting them eat as much as they like then taking it away once they have all moved away from the feeder is this wrong



Dont give them too much mate, your the one ti control there feeding, if you give them as much as they will eat, and let them oot next day, they will not come in because they are too full of grub, control it with 3/4 of an ounce, per day :)

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See that explains a lot one day trap like bullets next day can get them in for about 20 mins so you reckon 3\4 a ouce total everyday and are they ok just getting it when they come in and none at all in the morning



A lot of guys give them something in the morning before they are let out ti fly, i give mine once a day after they have been out, i have no problem with them trapping,so its up ti you mate, on what way you want to try it, there your birds.


I give mine 3/4 of an ounce each day after they have had there fly :) .

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Guest bakes

mine hav half oz in morning when trapping back into loft measured out into trough per bird that is in the loft as soon as a bird goes to have drink i take trough away i then when let out for evening exercise fill hopper up with 1oz per bird if there 10 birds in there i put 10 oz in the trough as soon as a bird goes to have drink i take corn away again i dont no how much my chap feeds his birds as dont go in his loft as i have my own separate as we have compo first first back looser does house work for week or cook dinner for week his birds do trap very well mine do but theres a few that play up sometimes but usualy a few minutes later there all in only time i go in his loft is when i need to go get a basket out as all the birds go training they all go together training only time and hes hammering me this time his birds coming back from training are like dynamit as soon as he see 's them he like a foghorn shouting comeon shakein tin there folding up mid air hit trap and trap like lighning mine hit loft roof then go to trap then trap back into loft got to buck my idears up as if it come down to trapping match first race of season he will win hands down :(


all the very best


nikki b


bakes misses

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Thanks for the detailed answer because of work I only really have time to let out at night once do you think that's ok or could I get up about half six and let them out then when I come back from work let them out about half six again or is one enough

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Thanks for the detailed answer because of work I only really have time to let out at night once do you think that's ok or could I get up about half six and let them out then when I come back from work let them out about half six again or is one enough



A no some people let them out in the morning, but they have well control of there feeding, shake the can and there in, they go away ti work, then they are let out again at night.


You have got ti control there feeding before you start that.


Whatever suits you around yer working ours mate, try and stick to that then the birds will get use of it, and they will no what they are expected to doo. :)

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Ahh I think I'm better sticking to the one time and the same time every night keep it simple since I'm just starting


i wouldn't get up at half 6just to let young birds out wait till you get home from work you'll have more time,what happens if some don't fancy coming in before you go to work.it's true what the guy's says you have to them under strict feeding si there is know problem getting them in.

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A suppose a would get fed up getting up that time every day too. Two nights a week I work till eight though so I'm gonny tell the missus to let the out half six and that meens when I get home I can bring them in the same time everyday and they'll get used to it

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A suppose a would get fed up getting up that time every day too. Two nights a week I work till eight though so I'm gonny tell the missus to let the out half six and that meens when I get home I can bring them in the same time everyday and they'll get used to it


And mind stick to what you set out to doo mate, best owe luck with them anyway, but dont be afraid to keep on asking questions on here, as there is a lot of well experienced fanciers that will help you out in anything to doo with birds, :D ones with wings a mean, :D:D:D:D

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Thanks will do mate


Blue cock I can't send pm's as I'm on my blackberry but where can I get depurtive from


who sell the feeeding over in blantyre,if not theres john sharp in coatbridge or gordon geddes in muirheed,whats the depuritive for are ye know better just getting a young bird mix

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