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Guest bristolkev

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How do the birds know they are in lowland UK? Who told them?


Where is lowland UK anyway?

                                                            the  highland is up the road so lowland is doon the road

so you take the highroad and i'll take the lowlroad......................................

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Hey Archie/Bruno

Yip completely cut n pasted for SE consultation and committee papers.

Apart from that can you not ask them to change their Avater picture ...someone was saying how upsetting some of the banter is. These Pics are OTT an upsetting. I know these Guys are only having a laugh and trying to prompt a reaction but the Pics can be changed please in case any young ones see them  :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

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Hya Guys,

I am led to believe that trained raptors are discouraged from "killing" racing pigeons, because if they cann't kill them 1st strike the raptor will persue and soon end up out of range of its handler. (one lost and hungry raptor)


If this is the general training policy of responsible raptor owners then I feel we have little to fear from these birds on race day, lib points,routes,or at exercise around home.

Therefore any raptor handlers viewing this site could gain valuable info on where NOT to train thier birds.

yours in sport mO.

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I expect these two 'members' may well be hawk lovers, but nothing wrong with that, only their trust in RSPB honesty is at fault.  I have an ex-census taker living near me, who assures me that actual numbers of sparrowhawk and peregrine populations have been regularly mis-represented at all levels of recording, i.e. by the census taker, area collater and by HQ publisher over the years. Motivated by fear that 'antis' will get uptight if the true numbers were published.  I decided years ago to "Know thine enemy" and went out and bought any and every publication on these raptors, to bone up on knowledge of both species. I formed an immense respect for Derek Ratcliffe after reading his masterpiece "The Peregrine Falcon" (£25) and his untimely demise last year was a loss for bird lovers world wide. He was that rare avis, an honest man.   I strongly suspect that anyone killing either raptor in the actual defence, at home, of their pigeons would not be prosecuted by the RSPB. It would not be in their interests. I may be wrong, and would not be tempted to brag about such an act if I ever committed it, but such is my belief in the last decade, due to the soaring increase in raptor numbers.  Camels are designed to carry just so many straws !  See what happens in areas like Plymouth and Exeter as an example.

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Hey Archie/Bruno

Yip completely cut n pasted for SE consultation and committee papers.

Apart from that can you not ask them to change their Avater picture ...someone was saying how upsetting some of the banter is. These Pics are OTT an upsetting. I know these Guys are only having a laugh and trying to prompt a reaction but the Pics can be changed please in case any young ones see them  :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o


will put it to webmaster as he is the only one with any accsess to this, if u look above any post u will see report,on a post u want to make areport just click on report and say why,  thanks.



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Peregrine. Thanks for the warning. I know enough of the RSPB's workings to trust them as far as I can spit against a strong wind. I have debated with Geoffrey Wynn, and others, on radio - and been screwed by Andrew Jones after when the Law arrived with a search warrant to look for "Parts of peregrines" (1989) because of general comment that I made. There was nothing to find of course. I share the expressed thoughts and feelings of "Country Illustrated" in that I regard the RSPB as completely untrustworthy, and blind to the damage their policies have done to British birdlife. Lady Tweedsmuir's Bill for raptor protection (1954) is still running, though the original agreement was for 5 years, how's that for integrity? Sometimes I feel they may be learning, we live in hope.

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Bilco: that rare avis, an apparently erudite fancier BUT I think some confusion over the powers of the RSPB (a charity, not a statutory body). I strongly suspect the RSPB would gather evidence.

Camels and straws? Take your losses.


Your remarks display a less than erudite understanding of much that you have posted on:


(1) Fanciers don't belong to any underclass, and they aren't the no-brainers as you seem to infer. Further, they are not the only group complaining about birds of prey, groups which also include members of the general public that can't erect a bird table in their own garden without these true 'rats of the sky' taking the very birds the tables were meant for.


(2) No other group with for example game bird or fishing interests, or group managing true diversity in the countryside, is prepared to take these lossses, why should we, alone, do so?


(3) You don't appear to understand anything about power, influence and responsibility. RSPB strength lies in its power to influence public and government alike to agree with its own policy line on most issues. While completely lacking the responsibility for ensuring that those policies don't have knock-on effects on other wildlife or 'communities of practice' like ours, or even taking responsibility for their outcomes, in many cases even denying those outcomes are a direct affect of its misguided policies, mounting publicity campaigns to put forward only its case, paid for of course by duped less-than-erudite supporters like wot you appear to be. Proof of this was the recent European Eagle Owls in Yorkshire TV program in which RSPB and BTO were less than supportive of this bird of prey, one saying you wouldn't want this in your back garden while the other so-called 'bird lover' actually incited viewers 'to go out and shoot them - the law can't touch you'.


(4) The body that would gather evidence of suspected wild life crime is the new police body 'wildlife police'. Can't have charitable bodies meddling in legal affars now, can we, especially when they could bring bias into the investigation? Especially when so-called bird conservation organisations, pick and choose which particular birds of prey they want to conserve, and where.

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