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not looking rite


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hi guys we got a race to the south coast this week 206 miles to me. my birds are not looking rite so im thinking of holding them back this week and keep them at home do you all agree thats the right thing to do,? the following week we back at newbury 166 miles to me if they ok then i send then the week after we a falaise france 325 miles to me do you think if i miss this weeks they will be ok for falaise.



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Guest strapper
hi guys we got a race to the south coast this week 206 miles to me. my birds are not looking rite so im thinking of holding them back this week and keep them at home do you all agree thats the right thing to do,? the following week we back at newbury 166 miles to me if they ok then i send then the week after we a falaise france 325 miles to me do you think if i miss this weeks they will be ok for falaise.




hi what way do you think they are not right?..if they are not right this week then it will most probably be the same next week .

it will mean coming back from racing under 200mls to a jump to 325mls.

if your birds seem not right then dont send them,find out whats wrong with them, maybe a droppings test??

but could it be down to tiredness?..are you training them hard?..have they had any hard races recently?

too many reasons why they might be not right.

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hi what way do you think they are not right?..if they are not right this week then it will most probably be the same next week .

it will mean coming back from racing under 200mls to a jump to 325mls.

if your birds seem not right then dont send them,find out whats wrong with them, maybe a droppings test??

but could it be down to tiredness?..are you training them hard?..have they had any hard races recently?

too many reasons why they might be not right.


think they tired mate as i said above been doing to much and pushing them to do to much think i rest them up for a bit and if i have to miss out on channel this year the so be it



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well i think i may have worn them out they looking nacked.i been flying them round the loftt for a hour every day with a 25 mile training toss every day.they been full of energy flying like mad things all week now i think they to nacked to race


so you fly them in the morning for an hour? and then a 25 mile toss 4/5 days a week? mmm how many races have they had? and what are you feeding? do they do the hours fly off their own backs? or do you force fly? 25 miles would  be a bit far daily in the north east wind we have had this week, that will make em look a bit miserable, especially yearlings

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so you fly them in the morning for an hour? and then a 25 mile toss 4/5 days a week? mmm how many races have they had? and what are you feeding? do they do the hours fly off their own backs? or do you force fly? 25 miles would  be a bit far daily in the north east wind we have had this week, that will make em look a bit miserable, especially yearlings


i flag them for a hour. but i been told i feeding them to much widdowhood feed. i was keeping them on it all week i have just been told by a mate to brake the feed down from sunday to wenesday then back on widdowhhood.



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i flag them for a hour. but i been told i feeding them to much widdowhood feed. i was keeping them on it all week i have just been told by a mate to brake the feed down from sunday to wenesday then back on widdowhhood.



have you been racing them? they should be o.k feeding them like you are, as there doing alot of work, so should be really muscled up, i would cut there training down a bit mate, are they on natural or widdowhood? if on proper widowhood shouldnt need much training atall, as they will fly around home o.k, "if there right"? without looking at them its really hard to say. but if in doubt leave them at home!

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have you been racing them? they should be o.k feeding them like you are, as there doing alot of work, so should be really muscled up, i would cut there training down a bit mate, are they on natural or widdowhood? if on proper widowhood shouldnt need much training atall, as they will fly around home o.k, "if there right"? without looking at them its really hard to say. but if in doubt leave them at home!



they bouncing around like goodens now maybe they like me hate first thing of a morning lol,they on widdowhood system, so you say keep them on widdowhood feed all the time ?


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they bouncing around like goodens now maybe they like me hate first thing of a morning lol,they on widdowhood system, so you say keep them on widdowhood feed all the time ?


i would if i were you now mate, with all the work your putting into them, thay need the correct nutrients, which depuritive doesnt have, and you have the longer races coming up aswell.

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YOU must do as you fear / feel! 'Act in haste and repent in leisure' springs to mind.

Simply, if in doubt leave them out, for there is a certainty that if lost they won't be racing again. If hard race and needlessly sent instead of resting up, they will be finished for the season and that's for sure. So i would be inclined to rest them up and not send.

Simple reason here again I like my birds on the roof tops... THEY tell you exactly what frame of mind, and condition they are in. t is abundantly clear if ailing, not on song etc. etc.

Walk into the loft and none winking at you 'Forget it' If winking and has their make up on.... Pool them. Simple that really.

Good luck i whatever you decide.

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Put a cardboard box on the floor of the widowers with a hole in one side.

They will tel you which can go .... or not. And definately tel you your best bird this coming week - end.... if any.


lol i behind times here what do a cardboard with a hole in ir tell you. ? and thanks lads for the advise all been taken in and noted thanks for all your help.



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let them rest mate, then if o.k they will let you know by clapping about, sometimes you can over do it with exercise & training, let them do the flying on race days, wouldnt even think about training in the winds weve had last few days, (rests the best tonic)  ;)

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Guest shadow
well i think i may have worn them out they looking nacked.i been flying them round the loftt for a hour every day with a 25 mile training toss every day.they been full of energy flying like mad things all week now i think they to nacked to race


if you are flying widowhood cut out the daily training they dont need it if they are flying well at home you could burn them out especially for water racing :) :)



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