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My nan and grandad (and dad to a certain extent) think I am silly wanting pigeons. They say they are full of fleas, flying rats, sh*t bags, poop all over your garden etc. Trying to convince them they are not (not that it matters). I told them that racing pigeons are different etc. but anyone got any good advice/facts I can tell them?

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heres 1 they never poop when flying old wives tale....as for flying rats most are better bred than there ownwers..lol....and as for full of fleas rubbish most are dipped/sprayed to keep them clear of any nastys...they dont get or carry bird flu...hope this helps and most are treated better than the owners families...fact

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they will keep you off the streets as you will be to bizy keeping them clean and you will have no money to buy drink so you wont get drunk hope you get your way its fun  ;)

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Guest spin cycle

i don't think ,as pets go, they are any worse than other pets (probably better than some). better to poop in the garden than indoors....like our cat (dizzy)....cough up a furball on the sofa (cat again)....or roll in fox mess like our dog (dizzy). i've never found a flea on my pigeons and i don't treat.....again unlike the cat & dog which are regularly treated yet still have occasional 'visitors'..any help :)

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Leave them alone!  :);).... ignorance is bliss! Tell them so and leave it at that. :P ;D ;D

They will 99% certainty be all over them in a few months time when seeing the youngsters out fly.

Indeed make the more of it, for I'm afraid, for they will try and take over, and hang in bigtime for the glory when that comes lol

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All pets make a mess,we should know [think we have most of them],they all poo,they all cost money to feed,pigeons are no different to any other kind of pet,you could emphasize the important role they played during the war though,some pigeons even won medals [i think!!?],that could maybe put them in the good books with especially your older relatives,you should find some old threads on here about it somewhere,by Jimmy White if my memory is corect

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Jamie,your better off finding an old timer and helping him for the time being,no point upsetting the family by listening to silly comments by people on here,your the one that has to live with the problem,and that is what it will be BIGTIMe if you have no experience now.


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Jamie,your better off finding an old timer and helping him for the time being,no point upsetting the family by listening to silly comments by people on here,your the one that has to live with the problem,and that is what it will be BIGTIMe if you have no experience now.



would agree with some of your points lol but if your parents seen u around another loft for a year then they will see its not a fad

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