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Frustration at the RPRA

Mr Yorkie

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With another season dawning on us I cannot help but wonder how many more years racing will last?  At 29 years old I'd like to think I have many racing years in front of me but will I out live the sport?  I have sent the letter below to the RPRA in complete frustration.....




Dear David,


Firstly, I would like to introduce myself.  My name is Katie Awdas and I am a 29 year old female pigeon fancier.  I have been brought up in the sport of racing pigeons with my father having kept them since the 1960s and my Mother having being Secretary of various clubs since the early 1980s.  I race pigeons in my own right and last year was proud to win the Queen's Cup from Lerwick racing in the Lerwick Championship Club.


The reason for emailing you is somewhat through frustration.  This year I have been appointed Secretary of my local club; a club that is made up of around 10 fanciers, each of whom are at least 15 years older than me.  On Sunday I attended our local Federation Squeaker Sale and again, the lack of people under 30 was somewhat noticeable.  I appreciate it is a hard task encouraging more people to get involved in this great sport of ours but I cannot help but feel frustrated about the lack of effort that seems to be done.  


I am an avid user of Facebook and other social media websites (I am a Communications Manager for a Marketing and PR company so use these in my day-to-day work and appreciate the importance and usefulness of them) and tonight have joined various 'Racing Pigeon' fan pages including one for the American Racing Pigeon Union.  On reading this the differences between this organisation and the RPRA are very notable; working with schools to build lofts and actively encouraging youngsters to get involved in the sport.  The Facebook site and a 'Blog' are proving great tools at getting the message out there at no cost, except time, to the organisation and it looks to be working.  It is certainly raising the profile of the sport; the site has 560 fans.


This prompted me to look at the RPRA site; no sign of any social media sites.  I would have thought 'Twitter' was very fitting for Racing Pigeons!  I was pleased to see a new young fanciers section but then dismayed to click through and find simply three text links on what looked a very boring page.  If I was a young fancier I don't think this would have 'called me to action' and made me want to become a fancier.


I appreciate the task is hard and sometimes thankless but I do believe the Union could do more to attract more people to get involved.  Using Social Media can cost nothing but time and can, as the succesfulness of Facebook indicates, can be an invaluable tool.  This could be advertised in the British Homing World and perhaps a few stations could be set up at Blackpool next year allowing people to go online and join the group and make postings.  


Not only was I once a young fancier but also a female young fancier so I know the resistance many face when getting involved with pigeons.  I truly believe unless the Union do something soon that come 10 years time the sport will be nothing but part of the history of the UK so action is needed now, before it's too late.


Yours in Sport,


Katie Awdas


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Fantastic , and hope you get some joy from them, but I feel that the powers that be are more interested in their all expenses paid jollies rather than the sport itself ,


Shame there is not another option other than RPRA membership as I feel only a hard hit in the coffers will make them sit up and take any notice  :o

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I am sorry but i feel you are wasting your time with the RPRA, it is true that things need to be done but i think it need to be done by us in are local areas, i am one of the youngest members in my fed being 22, we have one member that is about 11,12 and flys with his dad, the next one flying in his own right is 28,  The problem i found when starting up is that its the fanciers that stop you,  when i was 14 i had my lofts burnt down and not one person helped me, making me give up untill i was 16,  about a year later the fella that burn my loft down it happened to him, there was sales for new lofts and birds and then he give up in the end anyway, i find people dont respect and trust young fanciers thats why the ones that try give up in the end.




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The problem pigeon racing has it is run at the top end by people who are set in their ways! They are an older generation who are not aware of the technology and the effect this can have on attracting new members. Pigeon Racing is a dying sport, and unless this 'older' generation is removed and replaced with dynamic, enthusiastic and technology literate people we will sadly have no Pigeon Racing left. These people are PAID to run our sport and promote pigeons....hell I would do it for free and do a damn site better job!  ;D ;D


Richard Shepherd


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The problem pigeon racing has it is run at the top end by people who are set in their ways! They are an older generation who are not aware of the technology and the effect this can have on attracting new members. Pigeon Racing is a dying sport, and unless this 'older' generation is removed and replaced with dynamic, enthusiastic and technology literate people we will sadly have no Pigeon Racing left. These people are PAID to run our sport and promote pigeons....hell I would do it for free and do a damn site better job!  ;D ;D


Richard Shepherd



Totally agree with you mate,



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Guest bakes
I am sorry but i feel you are wasting your time with the RPRA, it is true that things need to be done but i think it need to be done by us in are local areas, i am one of the youngest members in my fed being 22, we have one member that is about 11,12 and flys with his dad, the next one flying in his own right is 28,  The problem i found when starting up is that its the fanciers that stop you,  when i was 14 i had my lofts burnt down and not one person helped me, making me give up untill i was 16,  about a year later the fella that burn my loft down it happened to him, there was sales for new lofts and birds and then he give up in the end anyway, i find people dont respect and trust young fanciers thats why the ones that try give up in the end.




agree totally mark me and misses is one of the youngest members in the club were in were both 23 theres a younglad that flys with his dad and ay young gal that flys with a friend she nows its very dorting only no a few members sometimes when me or misses go up end up sitting on our own if we say anythink its a look as what do you no hopefuly i will show what i wont to do and thats race my birds this season and for hopeful maey more to come and the results will be there to show that im not there to mess about im there to race my birds.

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I am 72 and definately one of the Older Fanciers, at least in terms of birthdays. I came to Pigeon Racing in 1996 because I needed to find a challenging activity involving livestock after I had sold a Smallholding.

Like you younger Members of the Sport, I get very frustrated at the old fashioned, narrow minded way the Sport is run. I heartily suport and congratulate Richard for his initiative in taking on the RSPB. And Katie, I think every fair minded person reading your letter will agree with it. And do not think it is just the RPRA that are sitting on their hands, it is the same in all the other Unions. Perhaps the Younger Members have reached a stage when they will say that enough is enough and start to take action before it is too late. And perhaps I could add, that the one thing that scares me, is the thought that after all the years of effort and planning, the fabulous creature that the modern racing pigeon has become, could be wiped away in no time at all. I have a head full of ideas I would like to unload, but until this Forum came along there has been nowhere to have any kind of a conversation. Now we need more in terms of opportunities to talk to each other, and I hope we are now beginning to find the start of the momentum we and the sport needs.

Good luck Katie and Richard


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Guest kev d

all my mates at work and my children and there mates go on face book and on there

you can make your own farm also keep pigeons so people out there are getting to know about pigeons

i know its not much but at least its a start , i also tell them to go and have a look at all the other pigeon web sites on the net

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Im 25 and im only just starting out in the sport, Ive been really lucky that i have a good mate that has the same views as yourselves on the young taking interest!!!!

Ive kept pigeons(rollers,fantail,american show racers,etc) for awhile now and he asked me to have ago if he bred me some young birds(which i have over 20 at mo with more on way!!!!) now im hooked!!! I have fallen in love with every aspect of the sport now and i plan on hopefully doing big things!!! and being a fancier for many years to come!!!

I felt like replying as i have read the comments above and them all being good the one that got me was that of Owen's. Hes 72 and im 25 nearly 50 years difference(sorry to state that) but my point is that we all blame the RPRA and the older fanciers, well i believe we are rite to but there are some that will help anyone out, anyway they can!!! Ive had my mate in his 50s give me over 20 ybs, ive got 4 other lads young and old willing to give my some of thiers!!!!

But i ask myself why do the certain "OLDER FANCIERS'' that say they love the sport and dont want it to die out not do the same for other young starters that these lads have done for me??????      I think we all know the answer to it MONEY!!! they wouldnt make money from giving the birds to someone that wants to start but cant afford to spend lots of cash!!! but if there were more fanciers the prizes in the races would be better and make the clubs that are struggling wouldnt be!!!!! am i the only person that sees this or not?

Excellent letter Katie and all the best to everyone


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Great letter Katie, - very well thought out and addresses a point which will affect us all if nothing is done about it. I think you will get a reply. I don't think that the heirachy at the RPRA can be that naive to overlook such a potential problem.

I believe the RPRA set up the "Future of the Sport" commitee so it has obviously been considered but this seems to have been anonomous lately.

Your letter certainly deseves a reply and I hope you will keep us posted.


Good Luck.



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Guest Brendan Day

A brilliant letter Katie, if the RPRA  had any sense they would invite you to the next meeting and engage you as a paid advisor on recruitment and publicity, this would be in my opinion money well spent.  

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Brendan Day, what a good idea! I truely believe that no-one knows it all, but the wise amoungst us have the common sense to ask advice and listen carefully to the answers given.

I think you have come up with a simple solution to a problem that has us all confused.

Good on you mate.


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Guest TAMMY_1
A brilliant letter Katie, if the RPRA  had any sense they would invite you to the next meeting and engage you as a paid advisor on recruitment and publicity, this would be in my opinion money well spent.  


I hope they take up your suggestion mate.

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Guest monkeynuts71

good luck with your letter, As long as Mr Bills is gettig paid does he really care????? im the only memebr in our club under 55 and most are over 70. and 29 is hardly young really  ;D ;D

Tristan Darracott

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