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y/birds 1st day out ..grrrrrrr

Guest strapper

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Guest strapper

1st day out today for them, next doors teen decides to play rugby in the garden ..you can guess the rest...he kicked the ball over his roof from the front garden to smash down on next doors shed roof with a nice bang.

18  still missing after 3hrs.

year after year i wonder why i still have pigeons.


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Guest strapper

i had oldies out with them always do guys...but ive had lots of trouble with next door and they doings...stopped me topping fed last year..witnessed by two club m8s...bit my lip and chilled.

thing is...they have pigeons too.

besides  having someone in the neighbourhood shooting them with an air gun each year makes me wonder wether to call it a day.


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Guest strapper

late evening yesterday ,the youngbirds i had left in the loft went up... so many returned  but after locking up the loft late lastnite....i counted and found i have 29 missing...from 55.....with a fly away last year and now this ,it takes the will to carry on, away.

depending on how many i get back will depend if i bother racing youngbirds, and decide wether to sell up at the end of the season.


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sure more will work in, sunday night i was a third of mine missing now all back bar 1 which i think is back this morning.

You'll get more back but you need to sort something out with neighbours as i'm sure they wouldn't like it if you done the same as there kids!

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Paul in the future get your youngbirds used to as much noise and disruption as you can in and around the loft, drop the food hopper on the floor, kick a football up and down the corridor etc etc, when the birds go out nothing will faze them!

Then you can stick 2 fingures up to the neighbours!

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how many you got missin now mate? it is a bummer! but yes get them used to as much noise as possible if its a problem! hope you get them all back, ybs are scared of there own shadow to start with though, so not just you who it happens to! hang on in there. good luck

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i remember seeing  a article about ybs, and training them to

get used to people and any thing that may scare them.

cannot remember the fanicer but he had a ballon and

somthing like a scarecrow? sitting in the corner of there section

so any quick movement or  anything kicked in the air should be ok.

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im glad they are  returning Paul, I encourage the neighbours kids to make a noise, the  neighbours  to the one side are always jumping about on their trampoline. the other always has washing out. my birds dont bat a eye  ;D ;D ;D ;D

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