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Everything posted by kipper

  1. fear the worst, weather in channel not looking good, sent 3 be glad to get them home to fight another day.
  2. hi, jeams , hope you enjoy the site.
  3. my 3 favs , secrets of champs 1/2/ long distance greats . happy new year & best of luck to everyone in 2010.
  4. my young bird returned from training with broken leg , friend wrapped it in plaster , left in box for 2 weeks , no slings , plaster off he is ok.
  5. why not train them . send a couple to a race , if they return send a couple more the next race,
  6. why not train them . send a couple to a race , if they return send a couple more the next race,
  7. kipper


    mine were doing great , but the last few weeks the older cock birds are bringing them down to chase the hens, thinking of splitting them . but they are training well , so not too sure. any advise welcome .
  8. kipper


    mine were doing great , but the last few weeks the older cock birds are bringing them down to chase the hens, thinking of splitting them . but they are training well , so not too sure. any advise welcome .
  9. thanks pete will do. he is in stock loft as i bought him in.
  10. thanks pete will do. he is in stock loft as i bought him in.
  11. lost no weight pete . this is his second round . he has always been a nervy pigeon since i got him . hes a 2 yr old .
  12. stock prisoners. hen fine. cant see how he has eaten anything bad . feed in boxes individualy. and cleaned out every second day. i think iwill isolate him pete,
  13. dropping s ok pete , cant see any blockage in throat.
  14. none of the other birds affected they all look good.
  15. cant hear any cracling oldyellow, opened his mouth and still a bit of smelly fluid came out. but not much. watched him a few mins , he seams to shake a bit when breathing.
  16. hi, people. got problem with stock bird. thought he did not look right, checked him , opened his mouth and watery fluid came out. smelt sour .he is making a bit of noise when breathing , feeding a youngster about 3 days old. any advice apreciated.
  17. hope you get them back m8. had the same prob. got them back over 2 days. now i hammer , drill ,bang chuck tin cans , and it takes a lot to spook them now. hope you get them home safe. best of luck for season.
  18. i was 9 years old 1962 . i had 4 babes that i got out an old barn . my dad was not to keen and took them up the road on his scooter. you guessed it? they beat him back.
  19. just back to sport after 35 years . but i think a lot of the problems are with overcrowding , doseing birds up for this and that . i think like anything in this world they need to get dirty and build an immune system up. every thing seams to be chemicals for this that and tother. we are all looking for a system for getting an edge , everything on winning at any cost, surely we should try & get back to basics , i think a good fit &healthy bird should fight most things given time . i except some virus are worse than others and need treating , dont mean to try & tell you lads anything as i am sure you have much more experience than me , just an oppinion .
  20. well done , glad he got home thats what pigeons are about. also well done drysdale & son.
  21. noticed today 1or 2 of the stockbirds have a couple of lice , was going to get something but the instructions on some treatments say dont dose while feeding young. any ideas lads,
  22. welcome , hope you enjoy the site . good lads on here.
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