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prevention is better then cure

Guest karl adams

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Guest karl adams

my health care as started with prevention is better then cure and crule to be kind after i lost my first lot of birds 12 weeks ago  i now have a new team of birds and have put them through alot in  the past few weeks

     this is what i have put them through after letting them settel in my lofts for 2 weeks


    i wormed them for 2 days then vitamins 2 days then 1 day clean warter then 7 days treatment for canker then 2 days vitamins then back on wormer for 1 day then 2 days vitamins than 3 days clean warter then a 2 day treatment for coccidiosis then 2 days vitamins


its been 2 weeks now and the birds have been on clean warter the droppings are like littel  dry balls witch  makes cleaning up alot easier  there are down fethers in the boxs cocks are fond and look fit and happy only thing i dont like is cocks  calling for hens allnight    my hens are all in a big flight and now look well when i go in to them and make the sound like a cock calling the hens fly to the floor and sweep there tails and come close to me    


what i put them through may have seemed  crule but i did it to be kind as i did not want them to go through the same as my last birds and i now no that my birds are clean and when i have new birds they will have a cage were they will go through the same thing befor the are put with the others


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Guest TAMMY_1
my health care as started with prevention is better then cure and crule to be kind after i lost my first lot of birds 12 weeks ago  i now have a new team of birds and have put them through alot in  the past few weeks

     this is what i have put them through after letting them settel in my lofts for 2 weeks


    i wormed them for 2 days then vitamins 2 days then 1 day clean warter then 7 days treatment for canker then 2 days vitamins then back on wormer for 1 day then 2 days vitamins than 3 days clean warter then a 2 day treatment for coccidiosis then 2 days vitamins


its been 2 weeks now and the birds have been on clean warter the droppings are like littel  dry balls witch  makes cleaning up alot easier  there are down fethers in the boxs cocks are fond and look fit and happy only thing i dont like is cocks  calling for hens allnight    my hens are all in a big flight and now look well when i go in to them and make the sound like a cock calling the hens fly to the floor and sweep there tails and come close to me    


what i put them through may have seemed  crule but i did it to be kind as i did not want them to go through the same as my last birds and i now no that my birds are clean and when i have new birds they will have a cage were they will go through the same thing befor the are put with the others




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i wormed  them on the first 2 days  to clear them of worms then 14 days latter to clear out any more wich may of been in eggs


Surely this will depend on the worming treatment you are using, the instructions will tell you if you need to repeat 14 days later :-/

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Guest karl adams

yes for 20 days or more they had watery droppings it was that bad i had to go in loft with wellis on  i had to mop it up  i sent a test off to versal larger wich was a waste of time and money every corn shop i went to told me they had somethink that would put them wright  went back to the man i had them off and asked him if he new what it was  he said to me he had not treater the birds for a long time they had no jabs in 2 years  most of the birds were young birds and some of them were what he had just paid a lot of money for from louella pigeon world and some from a mr j d in wales the birds were that bad i thought im not keeping birds im keeping a disease so they all went and sheds were cleaned and burnt out  

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we had the same with some latebreds years ago,,, take the water out for a few hours each day, because they drink like mad,, The best thing to do is leave them to it and put natural yogart on the food every day,, Some good birds came through it and are now our best racers,,, bacterial infection it must be , ecoli or samenella,, not a lot of stuff will help so leave nature take its course,, you will lose a good few, but the ones that are left will get immune to it,,


we use prevention every year,, but you must have a regular system for treatment,, we only treat on the corn and there is no waste then,,,


goodluck with the breeding,,

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Guest karl adams

no to look at the birds they looked fit and hens were laying cocks were fond to i got a resault back from the lab 21 days after and they come back as having hiar and round worms and cocci but the lab allso told me that the birds may have other things up with them but they would not be able to tell as the droppings need to be tested in 24 hours and sending tests to them was no good as it takes up to 5 days just to get to the lab and may have to stand another 5 days befor they are tested  

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I dont understand this because treating for canker thats not there wont prevent anything the medicine will just run true them. I think the best prevention is plenty of clean water, vitamins, dry airy loft etc. And the vets will always advise on treating them often because there running a business and the more products you buy the more money they make.

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I dont understand this because treating for canker thats not there wont prevent anything the medicine will just run true them. I think the best prevention is plenty of clean water, vitamins, dry airy loft etc. And the vets will always advise on treating them often because there running a business and the more products you buy the more money they make.


Not all vets are like that, but quite a few are. Our vet is great and advises us on alternatives to save money

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Sir i agree with worming but why canker and cocci would you take an antibiotic if you were not ill ! you weaken the immunity of your loft . I jab and worm thats it i race long distance if they cannot stand up they are not kept. I give cattle minerals 1/4 the cost and just the same grit and a lump of rock salt to pick at and galic cloves in the water.Please think before giving anti biotics if thier not up to it do not keep them.

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Guest karl adams

so if i were to buy a new pair of birds of some one i dont know and dont now if the birds have got anythink  its ok to put them straight  in with my own birds


but y do some pigeon flyers treat there birds for things like canker  or cocci when they return from a race and say they do it as they dont know what the other birds in the crate have got

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Guest TAMMY_1
so if i were to buy a new pair of birds of some one i dont know and dont now if the birds have got anythink  its ok to put them straight  in with my own birds


but y do some pigeon flyers treat there birds for things like canker  or cocci when they return from a race and say they do it as they dont know what the other birds in the crate have got


Agree with you again, if I were you I would just carry on as you are doing, because I intend to carry on with mine in a similar way

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so if i were to buy a new pair of birds of some one i dont know and dont now if the birds have got anythink  its ok to put them straight  in with my own birds


but y do some pigeon flyers treat there birds for things like canker  or cocci when they return from a race and say they do it as they dont know what the other birds in the crate have got


You never said anything about bringing in new birds in your origanal post. But even with new birds theres no need to jump in with antibiotics a few weeks of isolation will give you an idea of there health. If there ok put them in why treat them for everything if there healthy you could be doing more damage than good. As for treat after every race I think your sure to wreck the immune systems. Humans are only advised to take one course antibiotics a year so put it in comparision. :-/

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Karl, I think you were unfortunate in your choice of foundation pigeons. As well as good racing & breeding performance, I'd be interested in a good standard of health in the family too - but maintained by the pigeon and good loft hygeine rather than reliance on medication.


I also think you were a bit slow in taking action when it must have been clear early on you had a problem. I think you did the right thing in going for a droppings & throat swab test. Real shame that the result was so damned slow in coming back cos by the time it did, was probably too late - the sick birds hadn't been isolated, so thro lack of good loft hygeine and 'true' prevention - it was thro the whole team.


I think you did the right thing in disposing of all the birds and cleaning & disinfecting the place, and starting over fresh. But I am surprised that you did not seek out a new firm or vet and have them do a dropping & throat swab test on the new birds in the first few days, and then act - on the results.



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Guest TAMMY_1
Karl, I think you were unfortunate in your choice of foundation pigeons. As well as good racing & breeding performance, I'd be interested in a good standard of health in the family too - but maintained by the pigeon and good loft hygeine rather than reliance on medication.


I also think you were a bit slow in taking action when it must have been clear early on you had a problem. I think you did the right thing in going for a droppings & throat swab test. Real shame that the result was so damned slow in coming back cos by the time it did, was probably too late - the sick birds hadn't been isolated, so thro lack of good loft hygeine and 'true' prevention - it was thro the whole team.


I think you did the right thing in disposing of all the birds and cleaning & disinfecting the place, and starting over fresh. But I am surprised that you did not seek out a new firm or vet and have them do a dropping & throat swab test on the new birds in the first few days, and then act - on the results.



is it not Animal health that give you a result within 24 hours ?

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