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Everything posted by RoryTheRed

  1. BICC - The Tours birds were liberated at 6.30 a.m. in a Lt westerly wind turning S.Westerly in the Channel.
  2. Grey and overcast; wind starting to rise, SSW
  3. BICC Tours, two.
  4. Thanks, she is so small and sweet. 8)
  5. MRPC 03 A 3090 collected in Brighton from non fancier. Been with her since 17th June.
  6. I've contacted the Daily Mail, sure they will follow it up.
  7. SMT Combine Poitiers - 8.30am light East wind.
  8. I have always followed it and it has been correct for me.
  9. Not that i know of mate
  10. http://www.pigeonnavigation.com/ Watchout for bad losses from racing or training over the next few days
  11. RoryTheRed

    BICC Saran

    Somewhere in Virtual Reality mate, maybe on IPRR.co.uk now.
  12. RoryTheRed

    BICC Saran

    1485 ypm I.Gossip & Daughter Chatham Kent
  13. New Chelsea manager Luiz Felipe Scolari maybe up for it. ;D
  14. BICC Saran 218miles
  15. SMT Combine MESSAC 7.30 no wind
  16. Spain, shall only watch the final so they better be in it ;D
  17. 11 ybs only
  18. Messac SMT 222m If i send tonight it will be 1 only 8)
  19. Alencon 166m sending 4
  20. Just starting to brighten, no wind.
  21. RoryTheRed

    corn prices

    Instead of moaning about the price just keep less pigeons. The first thing this sport needs to do is fill the transporter each week to cover costs; sprint racing week after week will do this, channel racing is not an option for regional feds, plenty of different avenues for those channel fliers. Small feds need to join together, forget prevailing winds, golden mile etc, fill the crates and help keep the cost of sending birds down. If your racing each week up to 200m why need 40 birds? 12 cocks/hens is plenty to race with, only one bird can win. Distance fliers can use the fed to get their birds ready for the channel races, commensense over daft politics needs to prevail if we want to race in the future.
  22. Really annoys me how the common supporter can never get the tickets for their team but everyone else do!!! This geezer has 10!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Uefa-Cup-Tickets-Glasgow-Rangers-vs-Zenit-Final_W0QQitemZ350058313288QQihZ022QQcategoryZ63821QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Also just further down is a clown from my city Brighton who is selling two. Hope your mate gets there
  23. Cheq Pied - 08A 10079 dropped in with my younguns
  24. Bought them last night mate, thanks for the heads up though
  25. Myself and my wife have just got into collecting rings and wonder if anyone on this site can help us expand our collection. Any rings will do, will pay for the bands/postage. We wish to base our collection around Eastern European rings, so if any collector can spare any of these we would be grateful. Regards Rorythered 8)
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