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Everything posted by HOMERp

  1. One back at 7.00am this morning from Middleton out of the south still seven missing though I hope they make it back today
  2. A big well done Mazzie
  3. Thanks for the advice John I think I will just have to ring the young ones few days early But I am concerned as the bird gets older the ring will be to tight Bigda would I really have to cut the ring off my birds if I did that I wouldn’t be able to race them !!!!!! I have thirty rings left should I try and get new rings from my club
  4. Hi there Has anyone in the Lanarkshire fed noticed that the 2014 rings are smaller in diameter from last years rings. Also on closer inspection it appears that the 2014 rings have an internal thickening at one end thus making the thick end much smaller therefore much harder to ring the young ones . My concern is that this may cause problems as the bird gets older as it will be extremely tight. I am relatively new to pigeon racing and don’t really know if this is normal or not and I am worrying for nothing. I would appreciate if some of the more experienced pigeon guys on here could check there 2014 rings and see if they have similar rings to myself . I have found the easiest way to check is by putting the ring over a pencil one way and then the other way and you will notice the end that is thicker hardly goes down the pencil last years rings go completely down the pencil with ease I look forward to your replies
  5. Lanarkshire Fed liberated at Appleby 10.00 WEST SOUTH WEST Best of luck to everyone :emoticon-0157-sun:
  6. 20 From 27 Appleby, with the Lanarkshire fed timed in 11.19
  7. Thanks Danny I could not be there to time it in myself as I was working today so missed my first win. I had to ask my brother-in-law to be there today to clock the doos in for me.I am extremely grateful that he gave up his time to do that.
  8. Congratulations to Danny Well done Danny looks like you are first and second Coatbridge this week by a country mile
  9. Has Lanarkshire went back to Ingleton ?????
  10. Would that be Morning, Afternoon or Night This week next week next month
  11. Thanks John I will give him a call just now
  12. Just in Su12l12848 Red ch Su12l 12848 in Sunday night can someone help me get it back to its owner thanks
  13. How long will it take them to get back into the brig Danny
  14. Is that information from a friend Big da ??? Or the fat controller ???
  15. Got my money back no problem bigda just went up had some polite conversation with him before I knew it I had ma dosh in ma pocket. Was at the meeting place Andy sorry tae have missed you hopefully get the opportunity tae see ya next year had a fantastic time met really good decent folk pure dead brilliant
  16. would you believe it they tried to stitch me up for this guy they found way broken legs and arms oot side the local shops. I swear it Frank it wisnae me it was a big boy that done it and ran away. I only had some polite conversation way the guy I only speak real nice too folk Frank
  17. I have got my receipt Andy, although I am pretty sure he will remember me as you can see, have one of those faces once seen never forgotten. He should also recognise my voice left plenty of messages on his answer machine
  18. Danny will you summon the troops and help me seek out the *expletive removed* who ripped me aff last year
  19. I get up early every day so looks like I will be the best dressed then
  20. hey salvation hostel sounds good to me.
  21. have you found a place to kip yet bigda
  22. I will be there, then on the hunt for Mr Murry Oh Bigda said he would be there too look forward to seeing everyone
  23. Gangster and Andy I am sure us askin nicely will do the trick Mr murry will be delighted to give back what he took . It may even deter him from trying the same scam with anyone else this year
  24. I cant wait to see his face when he is asked real nice to give back what he stole from me
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