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Everything posted by ticeye

  1. ticeye

    Soaked BHW's

    except those who have not recieved their copy of bhw and can not study the sale pages still waiting for mine
  2. grand offer stu please enter my name for the draw best of luck everyone and good racing in o8
  3. ticeye


    a second hand t3 a lot on the market £135-£150 some people who have got ets are selling theirs good luck ticeye
  4. darknight was offered 2 clocks on pigeon chat he was also offered stock birds perches sputnics ect he put up a post on monday saying something had come up and he would not be building a loft now all i can say is BEWARE
  5. the rpra also represent members in ireland scotland and wales
  6. ticeye

    would u pay?

    pigeon fanciers might pay for this channel but i can not see the general public doing so would be better if the sports programes on bbc and itv feature items regarding our hobby remember back in the sixties bbc sportnight showing the masserella stud and there was a boost in membership into the local clubs
  7. ticeye

    any libs

    NIPA Bude birds brought back to Talbenny(Wales) if no lib tomorrow will be brought back to ireland for lib on monday NIPA Mallow holdover
  8. ticeye


    they were not interested when i informed them that a yearling flor engles hen that i bought at their auction in N.Ireland(£125) was barren was told maybe its the strange loft your feed or bad management i now have good management of my wallet louella dos not get anything out of it
  9. ticeye


    can hempseed be used during the racing season if so how much would you give to 20 birds i was told a few years ago that hempseed heats the birds up what dos that mean
  10. very overcast i n. ireland light rain started 9-00am sw wind looks like a long wait for lib time
  11. ticeye


    bit late in ordering rings maybe the ets company are holding alarge stock for the rpra and whu market
  12. once bred a gay pied red cheq 1 wing and blue cheq the other good racer now in stock loft producing the goods
  13. have 25mm mdf floor painted on the underside with bitumin paint to seal very easy to scrape use floor white during racing and easibed during moult winter and breeding Use easyibed for y/bs until all young have left floor and perched
  14. 43 all on darkness system 34 just starting to batch
  15. read on another site ets rules will be printed in next weeks bhw looking forward to reading them
  16. i think you mean chocolate with plenty of whitesplashes on them what i would calla chocolate pied
  17. was speaking to my local pigeon seed dealer and were speaking about the ets system he said that with the amount of fanciers buying the system the price of second hand t3s would fall to a very lowprice he had at that time 4 t3s that fanciers had asked him to get what he could for them he thinks this time next year they would be lucky to reach £50
  18. i find that if i put my young birds that are not strong on the wing out early in the morning they are sitting ducks for the sparrowhawk that is out hunting for its first meal of the day to feed its own chicks so i let them out around 10am
  19. ticeye


    when you get this weeks bhw read n.ireland notes by adie and you will see that there is different rules regarding grants for pigeon racing in n.ireland or click onto elimar site and you can read it there
  20. ticeye


    the clubs in england scotland and wales are lucky that they can apply for grants for the timing systems as we in n.ireland cannotdo so how many fanciers say they cannot afford the ets but continue to smoke and drink i am getting incompacity benifit as i am unable to work due to bad health i do not smoke or drink(did so in the past give both up so i could restart in the fancy) so anyone who smokes and drinks was to cut back on their spending on these they could afford anything they wanted ie ets better birds ect
  21. bought yearling baspenning hen at louella auction a few years back turned out barren louella did not want to know it will be the last £120 they will get from me
  22. when training on transporter a copy of your vacinated birds given to the transporter driver is all that is needed for mixed training if the driver is stopped for a check by ministery all he has to do is to show all vacination sheets
  23. you are lucky we get ours in n. ireland saturday sometimes its monday
  24. you are lucky we get ours in n. ireland saturday sometimes its monday
  25. ticeye


    went to bricon demo last night well impressed by product ordered speedy full package with free club units plus software for £395 the club units are fully conpatable with all ets systems looking forward to young bird racing with it as i will be able to sit and enjoy every one of my birds diving for the loft
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