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Everything posted by cowman

  1. makes you wonder when the result says 401 birds from 520 marked so that makes 119 birds still missing how do they go wrong when they are all going to the same loft ????
  2. i use the orange one on my birds do 2 large dots on the top of wings looks like a pair of hark eyes when wings are open and flying i get mine from agricultural outlets ie scats countrywide (others are avalible ) and its only a fiver a tin .
  3. check out this link always works for me http://www.pipa.be/en/newsandarticles/pigeonandloft/cock-or-hen-how-determine-it
  4. should of looked here before ringing about my bird reported in holland may have helped as the bloke spoke no english and his wife only spoke very little spent 30 mins to get everything sorted with them repeating over and over again
  5. cowman


    red kite wont take a pigeon A their too slow B they eat carrion
  6. the thing is where ever you go wheather taking 20 birds or 1000 birds bop seem to appear from no where i got 30 young birds and train all times of day to avoid bop but sometimes they come together and other times they are split you cant blame the loft manager or any indervidual who tries to train pigeons if bop is hungry they will hit on lib or on the way home .
  7. makes you laugh he was selling his loft and birds on ebay ???
  8. has not set their status

  9. 1201 – 2000 NE92 HARROGATE H S Mr Ian Ramsey, 11 Stonefall Place, Harrogate, North Yorkshire HG2 7QL. Tel: 01423 885689
  10. check your loft roof that there is no foreign objects like a frizby or ball sat on in that could spook them .
  11. unless farmers get some rain in the next 10 days wheat will go up again next year we are looking at a poor harvest unless we get some rain as the plants are not getting the nitrogen into the leaves .
  12. i know you can get ones for chicken houses that open at 30 mins after daybreak and shut 30 mins after dark weather these can be changed to suit you i dont know but its something you could look into just found them they do a timer version too http://www.chicken-house.co.uk/acatalog/Automatic_Door_Openers.html?gclid=COfV7PSNzqcCFQoZ4QoduAHyCw
  13. yes it does work i use it all the time .
  14. or try this i do it all the time http://www.pipa.be/en/newsandarticles/pigeonandloft/cock-or-hen-how-determine-it
  15. its a good point too right on top of the hill overlooking the malvern hills its on our farm here .
  16. anyone got tewkesbury on this years race program ??
  17. brought back to top maybe someone could make it sticky till after the event thanks
  18. THREE OF THE FINEST LONG DISTANCE FANCIERS IN THE COUNTRY THREE CHAMPIONS, BRIAN SHEPHERD, GEOFF COOPER AND MARK DORRINGTON. Can you miss such a feast, not only are these in the top handful of long distance fanciers in the country but they win from 50 – 600 miles! Nothing held back, anything to do with conditioning, breeding, racing, the lofts, the management, here’s your chance to get it from the Horse’s mouth, the opportunity to ask an expert, someone who has done it and not just once! Whether you’re a novice or old hand you’re sure to learn something. BE THERE FOR AN 8.00 START ON FRIDAY 25th FEBRUARY 2011 NAILSWORTH COMRADES CLUB OLD BRISTOL ROAD NAILSORTH STROUD GL6 0JE (Take Junction 13 M5 head toward Stroud, then signposted Nailsworth) The cost for a great evening just £5 and that includes Sausage & Chips! There’s a cheap bar (cheapest pint about £2.10 at the time of writing) and open late (4ish bring your sleeping bags!) There’ll be a raffle (prizes form West Country pigeon products, corn, wine, etc.) There is at the moment no auction of birds but this moot is in aid of club funds for Ross and District and Nailsworth Flying Club, donations of 2011 YB or OB or books, videos etc. to auction for club funds would be gratefully received. If you have any queries you can contact Tony Miessner on 07974762657 or 01531 630019. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. gloucestershire fed swainswick slot for lib is 12 15 update on lib line at 12 30
  20. if they don`t come in when called feed others and not the ones staying out they will be first in next feed i have 1 that is still out now so second day without .
  21. if someone could come up with a ets ring that works on all systems and sold them at half the price they would be quids in.
  22. cowman

    what a disaster!!!

    not being funny but why take your birds training when there is races all over the area your birds probily clashed and followed the drag i never train on a sat and avoid wednesdays too for midweek racing .
  23. i`m in tewkesbury glos and the sun is shineing however there is a misty haze all around over the hills maybe thats what they are waiting for .
  24. it boils down to if you lose a bird you lose the ets ring the bop haven`t worked out how to return them yet
  25. makes you laugh i normally get mine every friday from the newsagent give them a long weekend and they cant get them out for the friday.
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