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Everything posted by Diydave

  1. Could the "moderaters" please note that although this is potentially a purely innocent question, by members giving out full addresses, phone numbers, etc, this is not good practice due to security and privacy issues !
  2. I think it's a Midlands National ring number. You have to ring the RPRA on 01452 713529 I think Louella also issue a lot of Z rings and they can be contacted on 01530 242255 Hope this helps
  3. Diydave

    Uk Pigeon Couriers

    Hi Dave Thornton from UK Pigeon Couriers here. One of the problems with being successful is that the phone never stops ringing.Getting a 2nd phone line would not help as we only have one office person.If you get the answer machine out of office hours or at dinner then please leave your name and number, and helen/julie will get back to you as soon as they can. Kev, julie can't get signed in to recieve p.m.'s at the moment. Thanks
  4. Diydave


    Could I through this site give my best regards and a speedy recovery after his operation yesterday, to Rex Doe, Cornwall. a name synomanous with the area, an elderly (active) statesman of the sport. one of the Best. Speedy recovery Rex . Dave Thornton
  5. Diydave


    I used one of their "quality boxes " to take my roundabout hens to the club tonight !! (by the way !! daves better lQQking than Julie and Helen)
  6. Diydave

    N F C

    last weekend I submitted my advert, so its probably a few weeks away yet
  7. being the head of the biggest pigeon courier company at the present time !! i suggest you try ringing a courier !!
  8. Pete. He wouldn't get Tarbes. He has a right "Janssen" stamp to him, so I fancy he will be better at less than 500. (we have "THE SECRET RED HEN" for Tarbes !!! ) lol. Dave
  9. in the 1970's , my dad and I used to put a platform on stilts with a bowl on for the second round nest, above the youngster below. The reason being the hen would not get pestered by the youngster for food as it is the cock who takes over the majority of the feeding duties after the hen has laid
  10. Pigeon Widow (Julie) hasn't been able to get on since Friday and still can't get on !!!
  11. Pigeon Widow is having the same problem
  12. is this direct from "the house of aarden " steve wright ?
  13. we sent 2, i'll be up first thing waiting for the other. then we have 3 going next week to saintes again with the national (we only have yearlings as we have only been at this address 15 months). When i am out delivering till silly o'clock julie has to feed and water them. SO !! she's to blame that we clocked lol . as you can imagine we are well chuffed
  14. Hi, Dave thornton @ UK Pigeon Couriers here .A few things have cropped up on this thread that hopefully i can throw a bit of light on We cover scotland via SPDS normally. The £45 Cost covers both our charge and theirs (up to 6 Squeakers, or 3 Adult birds, then £2 per bird). thats pigeons out of Scotland as well as pigeons to Scotland. The reasons we use SPDS are (a) because they do a good service even up to the far north, and with scotland being quite a large area to cover, then its the most viable way at this present time. This Coming week we are actually sending a van up (fully booked), as SPDS have notified us that they. cannot deliver from Scotland this week. The way we take bookings is - book before 6pm friday for a guaranteed pick up or delivery the following week. as you can imagine i have to do my runs from bookings taken, which i do over the weekend ,and we notify you which day we need your birds at least 24 hours before pick up. We are normally fully booked and can sometimes just squeeze in the odd job that comes late. The phone situation has been altered to give ourselves a few hours off. At first we had the mobile and house phone on 24/7. The mobile was carried by myself whilst out delivering, but answering the phone on the road just meant i was spending more time talking than delivering, so for the time being we leave the mobile off to encourage fanciers to ring the other number. The other number is now fully manned 9am to 5pm monday, tuesday and friday. we know its difficult to get through, as our phone never stops, please persevere, or if you get the answer machine , just leave your name and number and we will get back to you as soon as we can. I will endevour to answer any further questions you may have via our e mail info@ukpigeoncouriers.co.uk. hope this helps . Dave
  15. we do not profess to be the cheapest service, but if this new scottish service comes to fruition , it will make the far outreaches of scotland in line with the rest of the uk as a potential next day delivery. As a foot note, i would like to ask all fanciers (no matter who their chosen courier is ) that they book in advance, as this helps the courier to provide a more viable and prompt service to the fancy. Gone are the days when you phoned amtrak and got a next day pick up, so help us all by booking your chosen courier as early as possible, to avoid delays in pick ups. Yours in Sport dave@uk pigeon couriers
  16. hi tracker , you are not far wrong , the £17.50 was the price quoted from them to pick up at the fanciers address in scotland and deliver them to their depot in manchester or leeds, our standard charge of £35 would have been on top, when we booked our first 3 consignments, spds, moved the "goalposts" and said they could not deliver to manchester or leeds. !!!, as i have just pointed out, we are striving to get a better more "fancier friendly" service, having spoke to you in the past, as a courier yourself,you know the costs involved in trying to distribute throughout the UK, As it says on my previous post , i am not promising anything until i have finalised the full details, thanks Dave
  17. hi, dave thornton UK Pigeon Couriers here, Spds is a great service, we are sending our consignments up to scotland with them from monday to thursday every week at the moment, even up into north scotland, guaranteed delivery next day mainland scotland and the isle of skye . (£13.20p spds charge plus our own standard charge) We had an arranged for spds to deliver back to us for distribution to England and Wales but due to circumstances at Spds they were unable to do it. However !!!, by the end of the weekend , we should have arrangements in place to deliver pigeons direct to and from scotland weekly, to england and wales .(maybe even daily) and if this comes to fruition we will update you. At the moment i am not promising anything, until i have the full details and costs . but i can assure all fanciers that i have been working on this when time allowed to find a better service for both ourselves and the scottish fraternity. When i have the full facts and figures i will post them . Yours in Sport dave @ uk pigeon couriers
  18. although i do not want to do "blatant" advertiseing on this site,( i class this as information,) hope the site owners agree. here at UK pigeon couriers, due to excessive demand are intending doing another direct pick up and drop off in scotland mid week 18th / 19th febuary (next wednesday or thursday). that will be 3 in the last month. anybody who has not contacted me/us already , are welcome to do so over the weekend, thankyou dave thornton 0845 4093582
  19. Diydave


    its www.ukpigeoncouriers.co.uk or www.pigeoncouriers.co.uk telephone 0845 4093582 (local rate from a bt landline). all our info can be found in the british homing world advertisement I promised not to use this site for advertising, but as scotland has been a problem with most couriers including ourselves. We can now guarantee next day delivery from pick up in england to anywhere in the mainland scotland, via spds, please ring us for details, approximate cost will be around £47.50p. there is a surcharge from spds for deliverys into england (not us , them) £4.50p. it may sound expensive at first , but having been up to scotland twice in the last month as far as Aberdeen and Banff with 20 drops and pick ups on both occassions , taking into account an overnight stay, running cost , etc , i can assure you this is possibly going to be the best service available at the present time , bookable through ourselves. Please contact us for your needs.
  20. i reckon old yellow is on my lines , my peanuts come from holland and barrets , no pigeon peanuts , the idea of the thread is / will this cock make out to be good for the future , or shall i post when he goes down ? even though i like him , i think due to his dislike of peanuts he wil knock in the future ?
  21. i always feed widowhood cocks in the box, and feed the hens individual too,wherever possible ,as i tend to be distance minded a love of home and their own box is most important, . example being , no hen , guard the food via the box ? instead of fighting on the floor , love of home, not food
  22. just a general notice, for as long as i can remember , most pigeons love redskin peanuts, so, i give them as a treat every now and then, plus i give all my channel birds them leading up to a race. normally the good pigeons accept them, all my best have , but i have a 2008 bird that flew very well and have great hopes for , he is my only pigeon that will not take a peanut !!! any thoughts / experiences on the subject ?
  23. likewise from julie, dave and the family, best wishes for christmas and a happy new year to all on pigeon basics
  24. 12 inches deep sounds about right, i do this with the young bird loft , so as you approach the pigeons they back into the box instead of flying towards you out of the way, a great way of taming pigeons , tried and tested
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