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Everything posted by bombersbullets

  1. UMMM might pop for a bottle :emoticon-0140-rofl:
  2. :emoticon-0167-beer: :002:
  3. on me 8th can 8 left oh dear :emoticon-0167-beer:
  4. Happy 40th to my late brother Garry love you loads Bro miss you more
  5. get well soon m8 and well done to the wife helping with the birds fancy doing wife swap though the racing season :lol: get well soon m8
  6. cheers gulkie for the reply come people 44 views 1 reply lets have some more plz
  7. Hi all well racing is soon on us how are you feeding right now and what corn you using and measure you using and what training you doing ?? please ladies and gents lets have them answers
  8. hi all i had to send my club restoration forum back online has anybody tried filling in a pdf online not easy then i had to update it i was on the phone to them about 4-5 times but i'm happy to say it all sorted now ready to clock some winners
  9. hi all ive just got of the phone to unikon they tell me i needed to send a registration form to get new activatoin code they told me i could send it in email to make it quicker as racing starts next weekend for us but i not sure how to edit the forum one of my friends told me to use foxit but i carnt seem to get text on to the forum could any1 help plz
  10. all sorted now cheers oldyellow
  11. feel a bit silly asking this but how can i see my old emails on pb carnt seem to find um cheers
  12. Hi all ive just repaired my widowhood team had a couple of training tosses im feeding them in there own boxes with the hen eating with the cock im i doing right? or should i feed the cock on its own or feed the hens when ive put the cocks in the baskets?? ive bin feeding 50/50 2 once per day per pair i did have the cocks doing 30 mins moreing and night i was not going to repair them back up and let them go down on 8 day old eggs but a very good friend and very good pigeon man told me its a must whats your thoughts on this? another friend said train the cock a few times back to the hen without contact some many people tell you so many difrent things cheers for reading hope to read all your replys soon see what diffrent things people think my first race is next weekend what corn would you be using when and what ??
  13. bit more of a foot tapper lol one of my best tunes ever i love it
  14. bombersbullets


    hi all do i have to send forms back that i received a while back but did read somewhere you did not have to ?? and anybody no the code for Derbyshire plz
  15. hi ian sorry im a bit late but payment now sent cheers and well done all involved
  16. go down the town with flyers wait out side the night clubs :egyptian: i think the more big people like mike tyson promoting the birds helps we need more taking on tyson or gerry francis people like that what you think ??
  17. Hes pure cooreman m8 cheers fifer but not sure what i did :lol:
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