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Everything posted by matt

  1. they look as good if not better than last years jim would'nt mind buying a couple more off you later in the year good luck mate
  2. matt


    7.00am mate have to be back sharp
  3. matt


    i we'll just take a chance
  4. matt


    hi,do you have to have tickets in advance when going to the show or can you pay on the door
  5. my pigeons are on an alotment monitors would be no good im to far away good idea though
  6. thanks mate its a sickner like i did get one more back thismorning the red cock think that might be the last as its been 5 days now im putting barbed wire round my fence to try and stop them getting in again god knows how they did'nt cut themselves in half climbing over as i have upended coragated metal sheets all the way round a good 7ft high its the first time this has hapend lets hope its the last. thanks for everyones support. yours in sport matt
  7. cheq cock and pencil cock returned thismorning so looks like it might have just been kids that broke in hopefuly there might be more back tomorrow.
  8. lovely looking birds a bit like nuns verry nice
  9. matt


    never had a problem with my birds taking it but if i get a new bird in they are sometimes reluctant maby its because mine have had it from being youngsters i just fill a pot with it before breeding and then a teaspoon in the boxes every day when feeding ybs it makes a big difference in my opinon to the squabs would not be without it.
  10. got 1 more back last night was perched as i went to check on the garden late last night so i was hopeing more might have found there way back today or back to my old loft no signs yet keeping my fingers crossed.
  11. the place where i get my corn do 2.5 kilo for £4.50 good stuff aswell cheeper than boddys
  12. the stupid thing is if any one wanted any i would be happy to breed ybs of any of my pigeons and give them away ive had loads of good birds through freebes even on here i got 4 crackers from j.bamling for free and of mac1 i got two good birds i would be happy to do the same it just pisses me of when people can take birds that they know nothing about the birds missing are all the same strain but without peds what use are they to someone else all the birds from the small loft were looked for by me for a whole year just so i might get a head start with this strain as they are my favorite some i will never get the like of again and the worst two were lent so i guess i wont be getting any mor borrowed birds from that flyer well i will stop ranting now im just so angry thank everyone matt
  13. they were all my reds the two taken out of my spare loft were red there still missing but i got the red hen back
  14. it just droped in mate when a was cleaning the mess up
  15. annfield plain county durham
  16. no mate they were in the other end
  17. cheers mate got the red hen back thanks for your replys everyone
  18. i keep my birds on an alotment and the way theve got in leads me to belive they new what they were looking for or it was just bad luck on my side
  19. hope so going back over the garden now to see if theres any more hanging round
  20. i me to mate cos some were borrowed
  21. hi, i was broken in to last night and am missing about 14 birds some have been just let out as i got 4 in this morning both of my lofts were opened and two birds were taken out of one and the rest from the other loft rings of some of missing birds are nehu 06 z6008 red cock nehu 06 z6oo9 cheq cock nehu 06 np544 pencil cock gb 07 z92709 blue cock nehu 06 z6015 red hen gb 07 z97378 cheq hen nehu 04 td 4190 cheq hen cheq hen unrung with a black plastic ring one white flight
  22. matt

    macs lofts

    i looking good macca much better than before last for years that stuff will
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